The New Conservative


Laurence Fox

The Sickening Hypocrisy Over Laurence Fox

In an ideal world, might we not hope our men live up to the expectation of unfaltering chivalry? Absolutely. But with misandrist feminists the norm, why on earth should they? What’s the point, when all you get is spit in the face? Feminism was undoubtedly once a noble cause, but its modern incarnation certainly isn’t. Dismissing male suicide, weaponising rape accusations, and using your sexuality as a battering ram ought to forfeit any woman her right to complain of unchivalrous treatment.

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Illegal migrants

Migrant Madness 

Your correspondent has just returned from Italy and has reported previously in these pages on the situation there regarding North African migrants. Al fresco dining is a nightmare, plagued as one is by a succession of North African men approaching your table festooned with trinkets, refusing to read the ‘go away’ hand gestures. Ignoring them is

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Sadiq Khan

A Very Hypocritical Khant 

By Jack Watson & Roger Watson Sadiq Khan, London Mayor, introduced ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zones) on 8 April 2019, which is an area in London where a fee is charged for driving the most ‘polluting vehicles’. Initially, the zone was meant to cover only Central London, but now it has been extended to cover

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Old Books

Watson’s wisdom

Ever mindful that life out there amidst cancel culture, ULEZs, general wokery and the assorted bollocks that life throws at us is hard for those of a conservative disposition, I dedicate this column to ten points of wisdom that may help you get through the week. I must add the health warning that espousing these

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Wild West Policing

Wild West Yorkshire Policing

Our police forces in the UK these days are not exactly acquitting themselves with distinction. The Metropolitan Police has been in such a mess that it is being reformed and overseen to ensure that it focuses less on misogyny and murder (by its officers), and more on keeping people safe on the streets of London.

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Knives in the Classroom

Shame has been brought on my family by the news that one of our grandchildren is a knife-wielding thug, who was found carrying a blade into school. Had it not been for the quick thinking and swift action of one of his teachers, carnage may have ensued. The teacher deserves a medal for probably averting

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