The New Conservative


Kitchen knives

Blaming The Cutlery 

As I argued in Banalysis: The Lie Destroying The West, the single most virulent disease afflicting Britain and the West generally is not mass immigration, gender ideology or even Islam, but the lie which facilitates them: ‘equality’. That’s not to say of course that people should not be treated equally, or even as if they

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Drowning in a sea of usb cables

Technology: Friend or Foe?

I am sure that I am not alone. My life is dominated by a series of electronic devices which include a MacBook, an iPad, an iPhone (providers other than Apple are available) and a Kindle. It is not so much the fact that my whole life is on these devices, having fallen totally for the

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Freedom RIP

Imagine living in the past, say sometime still in the modern era but pre-WW2; how soul destroying it must have been to have been held back socially, economically, politically, or career-wise because of traits such as being female, non-white, disabled, Jewish, the wrong sort of Christian, homosexual, born of humble stock or out of wedlock

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War medals

The Entitled ‘Titled’ 

As if the UK Honours System wasn’t already debased enough, there are those who seek an alternative affirmation of their merit and completely bypass it. In the 60s and 70s, I lived in a small county town (Beverley, capital of the East Riding of Yorkshire – much to the nearby socialist city of Kingston upon

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No Maskers, Thank You

I recently returned from a visit to the United States where I noted that JFK Airport was displaying signs saying, “We respect the choice of colleagues who choose to wear face coverings.” Our visit took place over the period of Trump’s election victory. Amongst the outpourings of hate, grief and bafflement by demented Democrats was

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Rose on grave

Peter Lynch: Remember His Name

‘The first casualty of war is the truth’ – that’s as true today as it’s always been, and never more so than in the wake of the Southport riots, which have finally claimed their first victim. No, not an illegal immigrant, safely ensconced in his four-star accommodation; not the wretched Old Bill, who heroically faced

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