The New Conservative



Cricket Elitism: Yes, Please!

Sport embraced non-white athletes decades before racial prejudices begun to break down, for the obvious reason that winning is all-important. After all, the great Joe Louis fought Max Schmeling at the height of segregation—not because he was black, but in spite of it. Sport is the fairest pursuit of them all: a quest for distinction, which fundamentally demands both the selection of, and guarantees the victory to, the best players. 

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Bank vault

Banks Go Woke

According to The Telegraph, Stonewall, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights charity in the United Kingdom has captured British banks to the extent that they are now members of its diversity scheme. The scheme includes guidance to employees on gender-neutral spaces and the use of pronouns. Some of the banks that have signed up

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A PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) was recently filmed by a dash camera refusing to attend an incident in the area of Lancing, West Sussex, which was just 30 seconds away from where he was located. The witness reported to the PCSO that there was an alleged 15-year-old shoplifter at the Co-Op, who had assaulted

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Kid boxing

Relax: The Children Will Save Us From Ourselves

The young must be congratulated here not just for their courage in speaking out, but in their ability to find novel ways of circumventing the nonsense which is increasingly being foisted upon them under the guise of ‘education’. Much like the secondary school boys banned from wearing shorts in 30 degree heat (who bypassed the pompous regulations by wearing skirts), an increasing number of pupils are fighting fire with fire, and are choosing to ‘identify’ as bizarre entities – an approach which may well end up breaking the system. 

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