The New Conservative


Deep England

Deep England

Recently, Douglas Murray ruminated in The Spectator as to what one might mean by the phrase ‘deep England’. His meditations were sparked by recalling General de Gaulle’s speech to the Free French that deployed the phrase ‘la France profonde’ to stir up resistance to the Nazi occupiers. French partisans were to fight for what is quintessentially

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Reverse Colonisation

My recent journey into London was heart-breaking. As my train pulled into Stratford station I felt decidedly uneasy, surrounded by unfamiliarity and strangeness. I grew up in London during the 1980s, so have always felt comfortable living in a multi-ethnic urban centre, but this was different. The multiplicity of languages being spoken and the eclectic

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Step on men

Aviva: Firing Blancs

When I was 15 in 1978, the English, Drama and Music departments of my school, Brigshaw Comprehensive, held ‘An Evening of Dreams.’ The programme consisted of Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood, a reading from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and a performance of the Everly Brothers’ All I Have To Do Is Dream. There was

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The Silence of the Left

When George Bush Jr sent his troops into Iraq back in 2003, his declared motive was the extirpation of Saddam Hussein’s WMDs and the elimination of Iraqi-sponsored terrorism. The Left dismissed his demarche as a cynical desire to annex Iraq’s oil reserves. Millions of anti-war protesters marched in capitals across sixty nations. Yet, now that Nicolas

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