The New Conservative


West Africa Squadron

A Monumental Failure

Not only are Woke convictions deciding which statues stay intact, they are now dictating which statues can be put up. It has made the news that Landsec, the commercial owner of Portsmouth’s Gunwharf Quays, has rejected plans for a statue honouring the heroic efforts of the sailors of the Royal West Africa Squadron in fighting […]

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Jess Phillips

The Theatre of Victimhood

(Photograph: David Woolfall, CC BY 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons) There’s something deeply distasteful about trial by social media, whoever’s side you might find yourself on. The onslaught is relentless, and has driven people over the edge – with the matter of guilt often very much a secondary concern. This week’s beneficiary of the baying

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The truth

Criminalising the Truth

Telling people what they do not wish to hear is a dangerous business. As George Bernard Shaw put it: ‘If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh otherwise they’ll kill you’. History alas is hardly testament to mankind’s bonhomie, awash as it is with the bodies of those who died for their

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Rising From the Ashes

One of the most satisfying things to witness is when a bullied victim finally stands up for himself, beats his tormentor in a fight and wins everyone’s respect. I was once such a person. I was eleven years old and a member of a church choir. Another choir boy who was two years older took

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Joe Biden

Biden Derangement Syndrome

We hear plenty about ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ a condition described as ‘a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.’ While it didn’t have a name, a similar syndrome was attached to Margaret

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Muslim Mushrooms 

People are occasionally described as ‘mushrooms’, meaning that they have been kept in the dark and fed on manure (that’s the polite version). It is not a very polite way to refer to someone and, without doubt, will seem like an insult to our Muslim compatriots. But then again, almost anything can be considered an

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Women in the military

No Man’s Land

As a commentator on UK politics, it seems the good news get fewer and further between these days. That could of course be down to the fact that I’m a miserable bastard, a decade past my sell-by date; it could also be that Britain is drowning in a sea of its own piss.  This week’s

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Oxford University

University Challenged

The expansion of the universities (turning them into unis) has been disastrous, for, I think, three main reasons: the cost to the national economy; the financial and other costs to individual students; and the effect of the expansion on the universities themselves and, through them, on public discourse generally. (1) The costs to the economy

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Matt Perna

Matt Perna: In Memoriam 

De mortuis nil nisi bonum (never speak ill of the dead) is a maxim we might all care to revisit, particularly in these social media-obsessed times of instant news and instant response. While public and historic figures are unlikely to be afforded such niceties, generally speaking it must surely be the height of bad taste to

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