The New Conservative

Neil Liversidge

Greta Thunberg

Grow Up Greta!

Some people have taken offence at my recent Facebook post about Greta Thunberg, which read: ‘Here she is again, the arch-manipulator, smirking and smug. Her family is super-rich. She crossed the Atlantic on a yacht loaned by a millionaire so she could pretend she wasn’t generating CO2. The Jehovah’s Witnesses must be kicking themselves. They’ve

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Step on men

Aviva: Firing Blancs

When I was 15 in 1978, the English, Drama and Music departments of my school, Brigshaw Comprehensive, held ‘An Evening of Dreams.’ The programme consisted of Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood, a reading from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and a performance of the Everly Brothers’ All I Have To Do Is Dream. There was

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