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Desperation not to be white

The Desperation not to be White

In these times of Critical Race Theory where everything is reduced to race, the modern Left loves to preach that ‘not being racist’ is not good enough – to be accepted, especially as a white person, you must be ‘anti-racist’. The trouble is, anti-racist appears to be little more than code for ‘anti-white’, which is slightly less marketable. How else can you explain the daily headlines such ideology spawns? ‘I chose not to have children, because they’d be white’, ‘We tend to empathize with our online avatars. So let’s get rid of white emojis’, or ‘Can my children be friends with white people?’ If you dare contest the matter with what one might consider an innocuous statement: ‘It’s okay to be white’, you’ll spark a police investigation before you’ve even got the poster up. 

Anti-racism is arguably the greatest ideological growth industry – synthesising the woke’s two greatest hobbies: bashing whites with impunity, while simultaneously proclaiming their own tolerance. A disturbing trend however, is the pace with which this has spread to whites themselves – a desperate bid to extricate themselves from their ancestors’ criminal lack of miscegenation. Eminem famously mused in his track ‘Untouchable’, ‘And I admit, there have been times where it’s been embarrassing to be a white boy.’ Matthew Parris was slightly more direct, with his opinion piece ‘If I had a choice, I wouldn’t be a whitey’, while Hollywood A-lister Rosanna Arquette confessed simply to feeling ‘so much shame over being white’. If only there was something they could do about it.

Fortunately, the increasingly expansive umbrella term ‘people of colour’ is there to offer shelter and solace, even to those so spectacularly white Elizabeth Warren looks on in bemusement. That’s what ‘of colour’ means – non-white, an immediate identity marker which raises your stock, and it’s no surprise that so many wish to join the pioneers Rachel Dolezal, Jessica Krug and Shaun King, in their pretence of being black. 

The trouble is of course, CRT is utter garbage, which doesn’t stand up to the merest scrutiny. Take the lie of ‘white privilege’, the lynchpin of the argument. In Britain, it’s certainly not paying much of a dividend to its shareholders. White Brits are out-earned by Chinese and Indian workers to the tune of almost £10,000 a year. White working-class boys the worst performing group at GCSE, with White British pupils the demographic least likely to go to university (29%), compared with Black (41.2%), Asian (46.7%) and Chinese (66.3%) pupils. Perhaps the most uncomfortable fact for the white privilege pushers, is the extent to which mixed-race celebrities refuse to embrace it. Lewis Hamilton, Colin Kaepernick, Meghan Markle, and Obama for instance, are most certainly not white.

At the individual level this is not exactly news; what is news however, is the speed with which this malady appears to be infecting society as a whole – with public bodies, institutions, and even the Royal balcony under pressure to publicly disavow their whiteness. Last week alone, Monty Don kicked things off with his concerns that the Chelsea Flower Show is ‘too white and middle-class’; presumably he didn’t have time to go into the blackness of the Notting Hill Carnival, rap music or knife crime. Scotland’s police chief got the memo, and entered the fray with the assertion that the force is ‘institutionally racist’.  That didn’t help out much down south, as a police initiative to tackle racism was already being accused of, you’ve guessed it, racism.

Next up were revelations about the RAF, which is doing its best to remove those ‘useless white male pilots’ from the skies. In an email from 2021, Squadron Leader Andrew Harwin wrote: 

I noted that the boards have recently been predominantly white male heavy. If we don’t have enough BAME and female to board then we need to make the decision to pause boarding and seek more BAME and female from the RAF. I don’t really need to see loads of useless white male pilots, let’s get as focused as possible, I am more than happy to reduce boarding if needed to have a balanced BAME/female/male board.

Breathtakingly original was the UK’s first transgender investment chief, Reece Tomlinson, who observed that finance is ‘pale, male and stale’. ‘Trans people continue to face barriers’ she said, ‘if you look at the financial world, it is still predominantly white male, and full of older white males.’ Not forgetting of course Hollywood stalwart Jane Fonda, who used the Cannes Film Festival as an opportunity to get something off her chest – specifically her desire to arrest and jail the ‘white men’ who created the ‘climate crisis’:

It is a tragedy that we have to absolutely stop. We have to arrest and jail those men — they’re all men [behind this]. It’s good for us all to realise, there would be no climate crisis if there was no racism. There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy. A mindset that sees things in a hierarchical way. White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom’

I could go on all day, but there is a wider point here. These slanderous, despicable and (while I am loath to play the game) racist statements only pass without note, because we have become so de-sensitised to them. It’s worth reading them with the insertion of ‘black’ or ‘Asian’ every now and again, just to realise how hard this bile is being pushed, and how willingly society has capitulated.

It’s just as well that self-identification is en vogue – how long before we are forced to identify as anti-racist, or simply ‘non-white’? Even the dead are being shamed out of their historic whiteness, with Ann Boleyn, Joan of Arc and Friar Tuck among those choosing to black up. Meanwhile, our great, ‘stale’ universities are replacing famous alumni with ‘gay, female and black icons’ at a rapid pace.

Nothing is ever good enough however (which is sort of the point), meaning that even the fictional must fall in line. So when I heard the news that the latest James Bond incarnation was once again being discussed, I had a feeling there was one demographic we could rule out. Speaking to GB News earlier this week, an anonymous TV executive said the following:

I think the days of a white Bond are over. I’d be particularly surprised if it was a white, clipped, upper middle class English actor. That would be a bold move but I think it would be suicidal for the Broccoli franchise.

‘Suicidal’! How did we know that would be the case? Not being white might be a tad inconvenient for the Eton and Geneva-educated, multilingual son of a Swiss mother and a father from the Scottish Highlands, but, on the plus side, at least an anti-racist Moneypenny will be able to breathe a sigh of relief!


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