The New Conservative

Toxic Masculinity

In Defence of Toxic Masculinity

If you’re the proud owner of a penis you’ll be no stranger to vilification. Male babies who stoically refuse to cry are quite rightly welcomed into the world by a good slap from the head nurse; a salutary life lesson for things to come.

Ask anyone and they’ll tell you: men are useless. They can’t iron, can’t ask for directions, can’t cook, and can’t even piss straight. Even when they finally get good at something, they’re rarely praised. Men receive little credit for their impressive suicide conversion rates, their domination of the homeless market, or their early achievement of heart attacks.

Instead, the alliance of those wishing to beat young men into submission is overwhelming. It’s not just the feminists. From the advertisers who demean us, the female-dominated schools which give us poorer grades, drug us up on Ritalin, or routinely exclude us, the courts that sentence us unfairly and refuse to grant us custody, the shops that stick us upstairs out of the way, and the armies that conscript us.

We’re so dreadful apparently, that any feminist worth her hairy armpits wants us erased from the lexicon entirely. They might actually be doing us a favour on this one, since any word unfortunate to share a bed with the prefix ‘man’ becomes instantly pejorative (mansplain, manspread, manbaby).

‘Toxic masculinity’ (as manliness is now phrased), makes every Y-chromosome bearer personally responsible for all the ills of the world. Even in death, men are off shanting it up – leaving women to pick up the pieces, as Hilary Clinton once famously put it:

‘Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.’

For increasing numbers of men (and with no small encouragement from the State), the uphill struggle is just too arduous. With the freedom to self-identify as anything you like, more and more men are finding other uses for their Gillette razor. The ratio of M-F compared to F-M gender transitions is around 4:1, which rather suggests that being a woman is perhaps not as oppressive as we have been told.

Female privilege is a growth industry. Young female employees are now out-earning the men. They are preferred 2:1 in STEM fields, and even Women’s Officer positions are no longer exclusive to women. Sportsmen too are rapidly discovering that penectomies rather than PEDs are the way to go if you really want to improve your performance. (Thailand used to have a monopoly on gender reassignment, it’s a shame they never got around to patenting it).

Even science, which we used to trust, has jumped on the patriarchy-bashing bandwagon. The APA’s ‘Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Boys and Men’ are an abomination, a concise summary of which might be:

  • Men are overly successful which is bad
  • Traditional masculinity, measured by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression is harmful
  • Men are self-sufficient and take care of themselves, which is bad
  • Men take care of their loved ones, which is bad

Basically, it’s bad, bad, bad – without the benefit of Michael Jackson.

The corporate world cannot resist the allure of lecturing men on what unmitigated bastards they are either. If it isn’t Bud Light encouraging us to prance around like sissies while enjoying a six-pack, it’s Gillette giving us other ideas for what we can do with their woke razors.  

Masculinity is toxic, toxic for every man carrying the torch. Men die around five years earlier than women, assuming they make it to retirement in the first place. And sure they’re flawed, there’s no doubt about it, but they’re still the one and only line of defence we’ve got. Toxic masculinity isn’t much use when someone’s violated your safe space, or said mean words to you, but it’s who you call when there’s a real problem, every single time. 

Toxic masculinity is the dustman, the sewer worker, the coal miner. It changes car tyres and rescues us from spiders. It’s what stands up to bullies, saves children from burning buildings, and goes to war. As triggering as you might find that, there’s nothing waiting to take its place.

It’s also a price willingly-paid by most men. They go out in the cold and the rain, work late shifts, and fail to take care of themselves – not because they’re useless, but because there’s something more precious safe at home in the warm, waiting to hug them when they come home. Men sacrifice for their families; it’s their purpose in life.

The darkest secret of toxic masculinity however is less well-known: women simply can’t get enough of it. It is women’s unshakeable fascination with large, strong, muscular males which drives evolution, and has placed us in this ‘predicament’. Not only are women crazy about masculine men, but they are also able to discern a man’s masculinity from his face alone.

So don’t be a Dylan Mulvaney; don’t cop-out like Keir Starmer, and pretend you don’t know what your penis means. Stand up straight with your shoulders back, and embrace your toxic masculinity. And the next time some effete, tight-jeaned pansy from marketing tells you how to run your life, politely inform him that the blame lies firmly at women’s door.


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7 thoughts on “In Defence of Toxic Masculinity”

  1. Interesting that you should choose a photo of a very effeminate man to illustrate this entertaining article (with which I broadly agree). Is this deliberate irony, or is this now what passes for “masculinity”, toxic or not?

    1. Dear Susie,

      Thank you for your kind words. No deliberate irony, I wanted to go with Sean Connery initially, but we’ve had a lot of problems with copyright issues in the past and the number of actually free to use ‘free-to-use’ images, which are vaguely relevant seems to be quite small. In the interests of time I opted for that one. But I like your point, perhaps toxic masculinity ain’t what it used to be.

  2. NP

    I suffer same time constraints, often regret starting a hidden blog / list

    Life is important, but threats to life important too

    Freedom tops my list

    Pcar & Biker

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