The New Conservative

Climate emergency

There is no ‘Climate Emergency’

For decades, the dominant narrative has been that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activities are driving catastrophic climate change. This view, heavily promoted by the United Nations (UN), reached a fever pitch in 2018 when the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) declared that humanity had only twelve years to avert a climate disaster. However, this alarmist perspective is increasingly challenged by a significant number of scientists and professionals who argue that there is no climate emergency; and that climate change is not caused by CO2 emissions, nor by emissions from livestock, such as cows.

One of the most notable refutations comes from the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL). Established in 2019 by Dutch geophysics professor Guus Berkhout, CLINTEL has amassed over 1,850 signatories, including Nobel laureates and leading climate experts, who have signed the World Climate Declaration.

This declaration boldly states that “there is no climate emergency,” emphasizing that both natural and anthropogenic factors contribute to climate change. It also argues that the current warming trends are much slower than predicted and that CO2, far from being a pollutant, is essential for plant life and beneficial to agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide. COis an odourless gas; it is not soot and it is not a poisonous. Reducing CO2 levels to half of their current concentration could potentially devastate the vegetation and agriculture we rely on for food worldwide.

As a former Science Advisor at the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change and a former Environment Officer at the United Nations (UN), I am also a signatory of the World Climate Declaration. My research indicates that CO2 is not the villain that the IPCC has made it out to be. The overwhelming focus on CO2 while ignoring other pollutants that genuinely harm the environment is a significant oversight.

Why are the environmental policies being promoted by governments and international bodies, such as the UN and the World Economic Forum, so misguided? The unfortunate reality is that these international bodies are influenced by international finance, mega-banks, and mega-corporations. It is all business – it is simply globalisation painted green. For example, electric cars are marketed as a solution to CO2 emissions, however, electric car batteries require extensive mining and processing of rare earth metals, causing significant pollution. This is a classic example of how misinformed environmentalism can lead to greater harm than good. By the way electric cars still run, and will most likely continue to run, on electricity created primarily from natural gas, oil, and coal. If you think you are saving the planet by driving an electric car then, unfortunately, you have been conned by clever corporate marketing and bogus UN climate science.

Supporting my conclusions are testimonies from respected scientists. Professor Richard Lindzen, an emeritus professor of atmospheric sciences at MIT, describes the belief in CO2 as a dangerous pollutant as “the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world”, and that “historical data shows no significant correlation between CO2 levels and climate”. Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, a former chairman of the UN IPCC, criticizes the quality of IPCC reports, claiming that they often lack contributions from actual sea level specialists and are riddled with errors. Professor John R. Christy of the University of Alabama adds that “temperatures were higher in the 1930s than today” further discrediting the alarmist narrative. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace states “of course climate change is real it’s been happening since the beginning of time, but it’s not dangerous and it’s not caused by people”.

The reliability of climate models used by the IPCC is also under scrutiny. Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. from the University of Colorado highlights the systematic errors and unrealistic assumptions baked into these models. He argues that the scenarios presented by the IPCC, including the “business as usual” scenario used by the IPCC, are wildly detached from reality. This misuse of flawed models has led to distorted public perceptions and misguided policies.

My critique doesn’t stop at the science but extends to the financial and political motivations behind the climate change agenda. In my book, “Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability”, I expose how the ultra-rich and major financial institutions have co-opted environmental movements for their own gain. Note that the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, representing $118 trillion in assets, drives the financialization of the entire world economy and is based on meeting nonsensical aims such as “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions”. This agenda imposes severe sacrifices on the general population while benefitting mega-corporations selling millions of electric cars and products for so-called ‘smart cities’. Under the emotive guise of ‘saving the planet’, unelected institutions, such as the UN and the mega-corporate World Economic Forum (WEF), push these climate policies worldwide – it amounts to a form of control over people and resources.

The misuse of the term “sustainable” is another point of contention. I argue that it has been co-opted by political and mega-corporate interests that are more concerned with their own agendas than genuine environmental stewardship. This misuse perpetuates a cycle of misinformation and prevents the development of truly sustainable and non-polluting practices.

In conclusion, while the mainstream narrative focuses on CO2 emissions, a large body of evidence and expert testimony indicates that this view is misleading. By questioning the motivations behind the ‘manmade’ climate change theory and agenda, we can develop a more effective approach to genuine environmental stewardship; and to the creation of resilient, thriving communities grounded in scientific integrity and practical sustainability.


Mark Gerard Keenan, is a former Science Advisor at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and former Environment Officer at United Nations Environment. He is author of the following books available on

This piece was first published in Country Squire Magazine, and is reproduced by kind permission.

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2 thoughts on “There is no ‘Climate Emergency’”

  1. Nathaniel Spit

    It’s a quasi-religious belief for the unthinking majority who have latched on to the necessary self-flagilation with as much enthusiasm as a medieval peasant.
    I cannot see how this mass stupidity will end – or rather I can, it will be when first world living conditions become so unpleasant that increasingly more and more ordinary people will begin to question what the ‘experts’ are saying and why (COVID style). Until then we’re about to be further punished by the new Government who are 100% on board with the nonsense (as are all the main political parties).

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