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Country Squire Magazine: ‘The Packham 3’ Defamation Defence Against Chris Packham

The Editor of Country Squire Magazine, Dom Wightman, alongside Nigel Bean and Paul Read who are contributors to the magazine, are currently being sued for defamation by BBC Presenter Chris Packham regarding a collection of articles that were published by the magazine. Here is some background on the magazine:

In 2020 an investigation began and various articles were written and published on the magazine website and subsequently shared on various social media platforms. The articles concerned some tigers rehomed to the Wild Heart Animal Sanctuary on the Isle of Wight.

The ‘Packham 3’ as they have come to be known have appointed their legal team and are currently working towards the first stage of their defence. They must submit their defences by the 1st of April 2022. There will then be a case management conference at the end of April and the next court date – the main trial – is due to take place sometime in the Autumn of 2022. These initial stages’ costs are estimated to be around £20k.

The Packham 3 are defending this legal action.

If you can help in any way, please consider a donation to their legal fees.

Please could you share this far and wide so this gets as much exposure as possible to ensure we can get the initial funding in as quickly as possible.

We sincerely thank you for your generosity.

The independent organisers of this Crowd Justice fundraiser will provide updates on here as and when the case develops.


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