The New Conservative

Rose on grave

Peter Lynch: Remember His Name

‘The first casualty of war is the truth’ – that’s as true today as it’s always been, and never more so than in the wake of the Southport riots, which have finally claimed their first victim. No, not an illegal immigrant, safely ensconced in his four-star accommodation; not the wretched Old Bill, who heroically faced down rude words and a bit of argy-bargy on the streets of Britain, where they rarely trespass these days; not even the bastard who slaughtered Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe, and Alice da Silva Aguiar, for the crime of enjoying a Taylor Swift dance class. 

No, the first fatality was 61-year-old grandfather, Peter Lynch; jailed for almost three years for ‘violent disorder’. What form did this despicable crime take, you might ask?  Shouting ‘racist and provocative remarks’ towards the police is the best the judiciary could come up with. In particular, the felonious assertion that asylum seekers were “child killers” – surely Lynch must have known that those sort of remarks are reserved for Brexit voters and antivaxxers?! 

To many of those in authority, Peter Lynch will have ticked all the right boxes: white, working-class, recently unemployed, and probably a Brexit-voter to boot – the wrong sort of chap entirely. Not the kind of man you want walking the streets. Let’s clear out a few of those minority rapists and murderers, so we can create some much-needed prison real estate for genuine persona non grata. 

Sadly, prison will prove the final resting place for Lynch, who tragically committed suicide on Saturday according to the prison service; just two months into his sentence (although this is yet to be officially confirmed). Even in death, he is slandered by those charged with telling his story. Almost every media outlet has described him as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ – the conspiracy presumably being that he failed to ignore the fact that the authorities aren’t protecting the populace, and more specifically, little white girls, from the savages they are importing. 

To a repressed, brittle, third-rate Alan Rickman impressionist like Keir Starmer, Lynch’s case would have been closed before it was opened – here was the perfect example of the ‘far-right thug’ Starmer prattles on about endlessly. 

Remember this crap that he trotted out as little girls lay dead in the street:

“We are a country that will not allow understandable fear to curdle into division and hate in our communities, and that will not permit under any circumstances a breakdown in law and order on our streets”

What he should have said was this:

“White people, particularly the working-class have no right to notice, comment on or object to the mass import of foreign savages, who may or may not rape and kill your daughters as the mood takes them. That’s a bit of diversity for you lads, and if you don’t like it you might just be racist!” 

It’s true; the initial reports that Southport murder suspect, Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, was a Muslim immigrant were false. But then, with the same cover-up routine having played out so many times before, it was hardly surprising people jumped to conclusions; not least of which because the media attempted to portray Rudakubana as ‘Welsh’ and ‘quiet and introverted’. Like many, Lynch may have been wrong this time around, but in the broader scheme of things he was spot on. I daresay, even a few Guardian readers among us might conclude that little girls having their throats cut in broad daylight might just about merit the odd ‘provocative remark’. 

Even those in favour of the sentencing of Lynch, may just consider three years a trifle excessive for the crime of free speech. Brutal murderers only get a few months in clink these days, thanks to overcrowding, while child rapists get little more than a smack on the wrist and an all-expenses ticket to the next Ariana Grande concert. Besides which, Lynch was already suffering from angina, diabetes, thyroid issues, and had just had a heart attack. Extenuating circumstances anyone? 

Sadly, that cut little ice with Judge Jeremy Richardson, who had clearly studied the video footage of Lynch screaming his terrifying war-cry: “Protect my children!” and “We are on the streets to protect our kids!” Horrifying stuff indeed. 

Clearly an example had to be made of Lynch, despite his failure to commit any violence – as Richardson acknowledged:

“You did not yourself attack any police officer, as far as can be detected, but what you did was encourage by your conduct others to behave violently and you were part of this mob.”

If you think Richardson is always this severe, think again. Only this year, he let off Gillian Dungworth with a suspended sentence, after she killed a cyclist through dangerous driving. According to Richardson, Dungworth was a “respectable woman”, who had driven her car “very badly for a few seconds”. A few years back, it was the discharge of a paedophile, because Richardson had “reason to believe that prison isn’t the best place for you.” 

Clearly, it was the ‘right place’ for a man like Lynch though. And what sort of welcome could he expect, languishing at His Majesty’s pleasure? It is well-documented that UK prisons are breeding grounds for jihad, and that Sharia law is in full effect. With Muslims running many prisons, it’s no surprise that one in five Muslim prisoners in Britain is now white: defection clearly favoured over decapitation. It is likely that those imprisoned for their role in the Southport riots are enduring unimaginable evils in the cells – a fact those in authority would be only too aware of. 

Much of the press has had a field day with this story, ridiculing Lynch for his belief in the ‘two-tier’ nature of British policing, and calling it a ‘discredited theory’. Certainly it’s discredited by those enjoying the benefits of it, but even in their mockery they seem to make the case themselves. Take former Met Police Chief Superintendent Parm Sandhu, who claimed the following:

“The primary reason for the differing police responses lies in the nature and scale of the violence involved”. Recent violent disorder in the UK has been characterised by significant aggression and direct attacks on individuals, often motivated by racial, religious or immigration-related animosities. 

These acts go beyond lawful protest and enter the realm of criminal violence, necessitating a stronger police response. In contrast, many Gaza-related protests and those by Extinction Rebellion have predominantly involved non-violent civil disobedience. While these protests can cause public inconvenience and disruption, they rarely escalate to the level of violence seen in other demonstrations.

For instance, climate protesters might have glued themselves to roads or climbed bridges – which certainly posed risks to themselves and inconvenience to the public – but they did not target individuals for harm.”

You’ve got that haven’t you – “there ain’t any two-tier policing you fucking plebs, except whenever we decide you’re on the wrong side!”

Two-tier doesn’t exist in Britain of course, except when it’s Sadiq Khan destroying London; the Notting Hill stabfest; Black Lives Matter; Jew-haters Inc. (sorry, ‘Pro-Palestine’); migrant hordes housed in lieu of our homeless veterans; grooming gangs playing hunt the thimble with your daughters; and rapists and murderers who’ve got more human rights than their victims. 

This is absolute bollocks. You know it, and Peter Lynch knew it. He refused to lie about it, that’s why he’s dead. 

The authorities are corrupt. Not only was Peter right, his death is on all of their hands. Every Old Bill who cowered and kneeled rather than do their duty. Every councillor, social worker and teacher who turned a blind eye to systematic gang rape, because they didn’t want to be labelled ‘racist’. Every member of the judiciary who has facilitated this blatant betrayal of the British people. The NGO’s and whining lefty activists, who don’t suffer the consequences of their actions. The Border Force, and the Home Office. The scumbags in Westminster, from whence this cowardice reeks. 

But most of all, the responsibly for Lynch’s fate rests with the over-promoted glue monitor currently residing in Downing Street, who demanded this happen: 

“I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder” he said. 

Fuck you Starmer. Fuck the lot of you. 


Frank Haviland is the author of Banalysis: The Lie Destroying the West, and writes a Substack here.


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15 thoughts on “Peter Lynch: Remember His Name”

  1. Well put, but possibly the blame too diluted when it was surely 99% the Judge’s 3 year imposed sentence that took no account of the deceased’s lack of violence (yet stated, in a way that no Judge would permit from any barrister ‘no observed violence’ as though it was highly probable that there was some but this was unobserved) and health issues that for anything else but a political show trial would have resulted in a suspended sentence, community service or a fine. Where are Amnesty International when needed?

    1. Having worked for HMPS for 26 years I can confirm what Frank posted. Islamist gangs now rule many of the prison wings in many of our jails and the DEI Screws are afraid to rock the islamist boat. They now mostly employ ‘graduates’ on every level who don’t know their arses from their elbows.

  2. I don’t know why I was shocked to hear on GB news, of this judge’s past record of lenient sentences for far more serious offences. It seems to be something we will see time and again during Starmer’s time in power. I can’t help but wonder if the judiciary has been leaned on by ‘our glorious leader’, with orders to hand down ludicrously and tragically over the top sentences for these so called ‘far right thugs’ (again ludicrous), in order to set an example and stamp his ‘authority’ on the plebs right from the start of his reign. It’s ghastly, and I wish some enterprising journalist would look back into his past, and what he may have turned a blind eye to during his time as DPP. You know what I’m referring to. I also bet the coroner will find that Peter Lynch died of ‘natural causes’.

  3. It was sad to read this account – no allowance made for Mr Lynch’s health issues – when leeway is given to others who have not called out the corruption endemic in the government. Scum cannot stomach being rightfully called ‘scum’. Sstarmer is the epitome of that descriptor.

  4. Poor Mr Lynch. Even one of the dimmest women on TV can get this right. Kay Burley asked the Lord Chancellor on Sky TV: “Should Peter Lynch, a first time offender with a poor health record, have been jailed?”

    I suppose I should pray for Judge Jeremy Richardson. Though the wording may need consideration. I know, I’ll pray for him within one hundred and sixty-five yards from an abortion clinic. That would seem fitting.

  5. I feel this article was a little over the top. Has the writer ever lived in the real world, or does he just prevaricate from his house in the country whilst planning his summer holiday to Europe. Get a life.

  6. …and with today’s news unfolding that poor Chris Kaba wasn’t a budgerigar breeder after all or perhaps a charity organiser or chief spokesperson for the downtrodden but a nasty thug who liked to use guns whilst acting as a gang member in peaceful South London. Seems his family didn’t want that information released in case it cast a bad light on the little s..t and his pals. Never mind that a policeman, putting his own life and his family’s on the front line, had to endure 2 years or more of fear and pressure just as long as the “black lives matter” brigade could turn a blind eye to the unpalatable truth. And the “elite” wonder why the plebs get a tad upset about all of this? As Frank says, “Fuck them all”. The time has come for all, and I include ALL the law-abiding citizens (whatever colour or creed) to stand up and make their feelings known to the powers that be.

    1. Wholeheartedly agree with the last sentence – but how without being jailed? Also there are too many (the majority?) who lack critical thinking abilities and find it preferable to agree that whatever TPTB do is probably right and won’t ever get involved if it interferes with their preferred lifestyle e.g. accepting as many vaxxes as necessary to get a Vax Passport so as not to miss out on a fortnight in Benidorm says it all, as does voting for all current mainstream political parties.

      1. I think we have to be careful not to fall into the same trap the “right on elite” fall into. The fact there are many people who don’t seem to react to these issues as we do doesn’t necessarily mean they are any less worthy than anyone else. One only need go back to 2016 to hear “dearest” Hilary Clinton call anyone who didn’t vote as she did, “Deplorables”. Indeed we can surely recall, as Brexit voters, being told we were “bigots, intellectual pygmies. et al” purely because we had a different view on things than the “on message” virtue signalers. Probably the same people now who are convinced there are 27 genders (or whatever it is now). Everyone gets one vote even though they may not scream as loud.

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