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Kiev is the globalists’ key 

Back in February, as Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, I asserted in a live interview on Unity News Network that this was a contrived conflict in pursuance of the climate change agenda. After the people who really run the world exploited a coronavirus to create a digital surveillance system for totalitarian control of the people, Ukraine is being used to advance global control of resources. It’s another great stride towards technocracy.  

Of course, there was actual tension between Russia and Ukraine. The fighting that failed to materialise in February (when the Russian army surrounded Kiev) soon became very real in the Donbas area, where there had already been eight years of civil war between the Ukrainian military and ethnic Russian separatists. But this is merely a believable context for the bigger plan, just as we were primed to expect a killer virus erupting from the overcrowded cities of the Far East.  

Two articles this week reinforce my argument on the underlying motive for war. For decades, the globalist strategy has been engineering of emergencies: not only ensuring that no crisis goes to waste, but ensuring that no opportunity for a useful crisis is missed.  

‘A global energy crisis escalates’, a front-page commentary in the New York Times (28 April 2022), warns of severe fuel shortages around the world following Putin’s invasion. Helen Thompson, professor of political economy at University of Cambridge, asked ‘what does this mean for the most existential issue of all – climate change?’ Thompson can hardly hide her enthusiasm for the oil shock, as she predicts a gaining momentum in the shift from fossil fuels to renewables.  

‘For the green transition, the renewed public awareness that the supply of hydrocarbons does not take care of itself, even as Western governments promise to curtail their use, is – paradoxically – a step forward.’ 

Unfortunately, the West cannot simply convert from carbon combustion to wind power in one foul swoop. Thompson sees Joe Biden in a bind: he cannot survive electorally if he repeats the words of past president Jimmy Carter, who told Americans to ‘wear a sweater’ to reduce their fuel consumption. Necessarily, Biden is taking the short-term approach of releasing millions of barrels from the federal oil reserve to curb pump prices. Inflation in the USA is nearing ten per-cent.  

But as Thompson noted, the Democrat constituency is also populated by professional-bureaucratic metropolitans, who demand progress to a zero-carbon economy. She refers to the slump in shale gas supplies, but the reservoirs are vast. The reason is purely political: and to the detriment of the ordinary people. Since the success of Al Gore’s scientifically dubious but massively influential book and film An Inconvenient Truth, the Democrats have become climate change zealots.  

Thompson is author of another apocalyptic treatise: Disorder: Hard Times un the 21st Century. Climate crisis actors will stop at nothing to make life hard and disorderly. This brings me to the second article on saving the planet by military proxy.  

‘Operation Thermostat: energy rationing and the pivot from Ukraine to climate’ is an alert by OffGuardian writer Kit Knightly to the coming curtailments on your ability to heat and eat. Italy is the first country to begin fuel rationing after cutting the flow of Russian oil and gas. For the next twelve months, public buildings are barred from running air conditioning at lower than 25 degrees or heating above 19 degrees. Globalist puppet prime minister Mario Draghi asked Italians: ‘do we want to have peace or do we want to have the air conditioning on?’  

We fight Putin by fighting climate change, governments will be telling citizens, like the Dig for Victory messaging in the Second World War. Knightly reminds us that ‘lockdowns were marketed as planet-saving almost from the moment they were put in place’. And now the war in Ukraine is a stopcock on fuel lines.  

The European Commission is keen on contributing to this important new front of the Great Reset, taking a guilt trip on oil: –    

‘We have profited from it and created enormous wealth at the expense of planet Earth, and, as we realise right now, at the expense of geopolitical imbalances (with dependency on Russia). Both need to be repaired. In order to repair them we need to pay more for energy – and also for food. The two basic needs of life – food and energy – we have paid way too little for in the past 40 years.’  

So there you have it – the EU wants you to be impoverished. Italy is its testing ground, as Canada is for North America, and Australia for the southern hemisphere. The West wants the theatre of Ukraine to continue for as long as it takes to teach people to accept total resource control. Kiev, with its World Economic Forum stooge Volodomyr Zelenskyy, is the key to the new world order.   


Niall McCrae RMN, PhD is a social commentator with regular appearances on Unity News Network, Hearts of Oak, the David Vance Show and George Galloway’s Kalima Horra debates. His books include The Moon and Madness (2012), Echoes from the Corridors (with Peter Nolan, 2016) and Moralitis: a Cultural Virus (with Robert Oulds, 2020). He is an officer of the Workers of England trade union.

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