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Islam must be taken in hand

Islam Needs Taking in Hand

The following was written almost ten years ago as Britain sought to extricate itself from the European Union, but is as apposite now as it was then. Who would have thought that our overlords’ appeasement of Islam could get worse? And yet it has. As the weekly Hamas marches, the Rochdale buy-election and the treatment of Lee Anderson illustrate, Westminster has merely replaced an overseas dictatorship with one homegrown. As even the British government acknowledges, the gravest threat to Britain is Islamic extremism. It’s time to take the gloves off:


“The conversation we must now have about Islam cannot afford to be born out of fear or concern for feelings. The race card will be deployed, and must be met by the stock answer, ‘Sure, you’ve got me. Please feel free to consider me whatever you wish. Now that you’ve got the moral high ground, could you please answer my point?’

Discovering that a man holds views of which you disapprove does not detract from his ability to make correct decisions. Churchill, for instance, was widely considered a warmonger349. He would certainly be considered an Islamophobe were he around today. He may well have been anti-Germanic, and could conceivably have topped it all off with fascistophobia. None of that prevented him from winning the Second World War, and being quite possibly the most important man in recent British history350.

In terms of dealing with the problem of Islam, our variance denier is not going to go away without a fight. Where all other arguments fail, he may whine, ‘What are you going to do, deport all the extremists?’ to which the correct response is, ‘Yes, where that is appropriate; internment where it is not.’

A holistic approach must now be taken, which encompasses every neglected sphere of society. From our schools, our mosques, and our prisons, there can be no place for anti-British sentiment in our society. Those who do not wish to integrate should not be here.

In legal terms, the double standards which seem to exist should never have been tolerated in the first place. Equality before the law is one of the central tenets of English Law, and should always be upheld. The parallel legal system of Sharia has absolutely no place in the UK, and must be eradicated straight away.

In terms of education, a close eye must be placed on Muslim faith schools. You can make a strong case for banning them outright. At the very minimum, where there are practices which are unacceptable, such as the non-teaching of curricula351 (eg evolution), segregation of the sexes352, or any forms of radicalisation353, then the school must be closed down immediately, and criminal prosecutions brought against those flouting the law.

So too in the mosques, must an even weightier eye be lent. Any mosque with extremist preachers or material must be closed without warning, and the perpetrators deported or interred. The foreign funding of future mosques must also be banned. Likewise, the 23,000 jihadis wandering the streets of Britain must be removed or interned, no ifs no buts. They are an unnecessary risk, and whatever the price we pay keeping them under lock and key, is a price well paid.

Our prisons too are out of control. Some have become prisons within prisons, where Muslims effectively run extremism schools and have hardly any contact with guards354. Again, this must no longer be tolerated.

Britain has always been an immensely tolerant society355, perhaps too much so. It is now paying the price. Anyone who is already here and wishes to integrate fully into British society should of course be as welcome as any other. But those who wish to divide us must no longer be handled with kid gloves. Outside the EU, as the UK will soon be, a healthy, rigorous and sensible points-based immigration system must be implemented without delay. Many other countries have suffered the ignominy of such a policy, and we can too.

In terms of what Britain must do more readily, there must be a healthy reassertion of Britishness and British values. Traditions, festivals and the like must never be foregone under the pretext of not wishing to offend minorities. Immigrants need to integrate to the UK, not the other way around. That means learning English, and if not practicing English customs, then at least not complaining as they continue.

The answer to absolutely anyone who does not approve of this should be a firm handshake, and an unbarred path to the door, as it would be in any quintessentially British pub when a drunk has had one too many. The landlord would respectfully refuse to serve them. Islam has had a skinful; appeasement has not worked. A firm attitude is the one we now must start cultivating.”


If you wish to read the full story, you can find it here.

Frank Haviland is the author of Banalysis: The Lie Destroying the West, and writes a Substack here.

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6 thoughts on “Islam Needs Taking in Hand”

  1. Michael Bolton

    Islam needs taking by the throat and choking to death.

    That should be worth 2 in the clink. Ask Sam Melia

  2. Nathaniel Spit

    Agree with everything in the article, but for fairness there is also another Faith group that operates in a separatist manner, in some cities, and rightly or wrongly plays the victim card when convenient. This group though has not produced violent adherents operational in this country; its schools and courts plus undemocratic electoral activities though also need to be made subject to British norms.
    Frankly there should be no Faith schools of any Creed in the 21st Century UK or as a compromise fully secular Monday to Friday and Faith matters (and in the case of CofE its latest fad of the month) taught only at the weekend – this would also dampen the enthusiasm of both pupils and parents for these kind of schools.

  3. As even the British government acknowledges, the gravest threat to Britain is Islamic extremism…….

    From Sunak’s ‘Address to the nation’…Hardly Churchillian I have to say. He sounded more like a piqued schoolmarm.

    “Nearly everyone in Britain supports these basic values but there are small and vocal hostile groups who do not. Islamist extremists and the FAR RIGHT feed off and embolden each other.”

    That would be the nearly invisible ‘far-right’ I take it Rishi?

    How many Molotov cocktails have the far-right thrown at the Cenotaph? How many far-right grooming gangs have been arrested? How many far-right parents excise their daughter’s clitoris or murder them for refusing to travel to Pakistan for an arranged marriage? How many far-right extremists are calling for the genocide of the Jews?

  4. “…the perpetrators deported or interred”
    I’d go for the second, alive and wrapped in a pigskin, as practised on the North West Frontier during the Afghan Wars.

  5. It isn’t certain who said this, but it is still true: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise”. There are quite a few on the list now.

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