The New Conservative

United Nations

Communist Influence in the United Nations and the World Health Organisation.  

The World Health Organisation is an agency of the United Nations, officially established in 1948. It claims to promote health whilst also highlighting poverty and environmental factors that may cause or exacerbate health problems worldwide. However, with its promotion of the Chinese style lockdowns over covid and its proposal for a global pandemic treaty which could, in effect, give the organisation the power to arbitrarily declare a pandemic whenever it chooses and to impose whatever restrictions it deems necessary on any country that signs it, overriding the individual state’s own governments, it seems to have vastly exceeded its remit.

A centralised body, with no accountability, that can impose one single set of rules on every citizen in the world that could restrict their movement, their freedom to assemble, their freedom to associate with whomever they like and, via mandatory vaccination, violates the rights of an individual to bodily autonomy.

Combine that with the UN’s Agenda 2030, which is really a plan for global socialism, and it sounds like a communist’s version of utopia.  Considering the communist influence in the WHO, and the UN, this really shouldn’t come as a surprise.

A history of communism in the WHO

The concept of an international health body was first suggested at the 1945 United Nations Conference on International Organization. The idea was proposed by three of the delegates – Szeming Sze from China, Geraldo Paula de Souza from Brazil and the Norwegian, Karl Evang

Sze and de Souza, although not directly linked to communists, did work for the organisation the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) which was set up to  provide relief for victims of war. The duties of UNRRA would eventually be taken on by the United Nations’ World Health Organisation and the International Refugee Organisation.

UNRRA was widely criticised for allowing itself to be infiltrated by communists after the second world war and forcibly repatriating refugees back to Russia where many where killed. There were numerous stories of refugees committing suicide in UNNRA camps rather than face being returned to Russia. Solomon Lischinsky, an American working for UNRRA was actually named by a member of the Communist Party USA to the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities as being a communist spy. The Refugees Defense Committee openly stated to the US government that communist infiltration in UNNRA ‘is commonplace knowledge.”  They demanded that all UNNRA staff be vetted to prevent communists being selected.

The third member of the 1945 conference delegation that put forward the idea for the WHO, Karl Evang, was a committed communist and at one time served as board chairmen for the WHO.  As a student he was a member of Mot Dag, a radical organisation which was once part of the Norwegian Communist Party. The Mot Dag members believed in revolutionary socialism. Evang’s brother, Vilhelm, was also a member and head of Norway’s Intelligence Service.

Another member of Mot Dag was Gudmund Harlem, the father of Gro Bruntland, who became director-general of the WHO in 1998 and who attributes her passion for politics to the activism of her father.

Although Sze, de Souza and Evang proposed the idea for the World Health Organisation, it would not have happened without the help of Alger Hiss, a US State Department official and the Secretary General of the United Nations conference. It was he who helped them formulate an official declaration which was eventually passed, bringing the World Health Organisation into being.

Alger Hiss was later named as a soviet spy by a member of the US Communist Party. He was never tried for this due to the statute of limitations and he sued the Communist party member who named him as a spy for libel. Unfortunately for Hiss, the jury found him guilty of perjury and he spent three and a half years in prison.

The first Director-General of the WHO was Canadian psychiatrist, Brock Chisholm. He was also a supporter of communism. He showed his Marxist beliefs when he


“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”

Chisholm believed that morals imparted by parents such as the concept of right and wrong needed to be eradicated and it was the role of psychiatrists, who had already been freed from this moral dogma, to achieve this.

“The re-interpretation and eventually (sic) eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith… are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapy. The fact is, that most psychiatrists and psychologists and other respectable people have escaped from these moral chains and are able to observe and think freely.”

Andrija Stampar, the Yugoslavian Health Minister, was the one of the founders of the WHO and president of the First World Health Assembly. Stampar also had communist leanings.

Another WHO employee with communist ties was Milton Roemer. An obituary in the New York Times referred to him as ‘a physician whose research on public health systems helped to shape health policy in the United States and other countries.’

Milton served as a health minister for the WHO in Geneva until his passport was seized by the US consulate, who believed him to be a communist spy; after which, he fled to Canada. According to his son, his father was a staunch communist and supporter of Stalin even after he became aware of Stalin’s horrific crimes.

Unsurprisingly, China has had a number of staff employed at the WHO suspected of using the organisation as a cover for communist espionage. In 1966 Sze Tsung Sing, a Hong Kong university professor working for the WHO, was expelled from their headquarters in Geneva for spying. His colleague, C.K. Chu was later also suspected of spying. Arthur Chung, an American citizen and son of Chinese immigrants worked in China and became assistant director general of the WHO in 1973. Two years later however he returned to the USA claiming the Chinese communist party were only using the WHO to push their political agenda.

A history of communism in the UN

As for the United Nations itself, the parent body of the World Health Organisation, it also has a history of communist influence.

The Norwegian, Trygve Lie was the first Secretary-General of the UN. He was a member of the Norwegian Labour party and supporter of communism, having met Lenin personally and given permission for Trotsky to live in Norway. The Norwegian Labour party was formerly a member of the Communist International (Comintern), a soviet controlled organisation that advocated for world communism. It was also a member of The Revolutionary Marxist Centre. Karl Evang and Gro Bruntland from the WHO were also members of the Norwegian Labour Party.

Lie appointed Abraham Feller as chief legal counsel to the UN. Feller was a close friend to the accused spy Alger Hiss, Secretary-General of the UN Conference on International Organisation. Feller, himself, was accused of spying but committed suicide before he could be properly investigated by the Senate International Security Subcommittee who were looking into communist subversion at the UN.

The congressional record stated - “Feller’s Russian sympathies are well known to his associates. He has been a member of the Committee of International Law of the National Lawyers Guild which was repudiated as Communist-controlled.”

The third Secretary-General of the UN was U Thant from Burma. He had great admiration for Lenin, even stating that his communist views were directly in line with those of the UN:

“Lenin was a man with a mind of great clarity and incisiveness, and his ideas have had a profound influence on the course of contemporary history.… His ideals of peace and peaceful coexistence among states…are in line with the aims of the UN Charter.”

He even appointed Viktor Leviovskiy, an ex KGB agent, as his assistant at the UN.

The United States was convinced that the UN was being used as a front to spread communist objectives and propaganda. In a 1985 report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, it says:

Moscow has specific objectives and detailed plans concerning its participation in the UN system. The Soviets serving in the UN system have four basic objectives:

-Promote Soviet and allied interests in the United Nations.

-Spread Soviet propaganda.

-Use status to influence individuals and groups within member states.

-Undertake intelligence operations.

The committee noted that the infiltration went as far as the UN library. Anatoliy Andreyev, was a UN Librarian but also an intelligence officer for the soviets and was discovered trying to buy classified documents from a US military employee.

It turns out, the US weren’t being paranoid. Various communists have come forward to affirm that the communists were using the UN for spying and propaganda purposes.

The Soviet general Pantelei Bonderanko admitted that they were using the UN to spread communist propaganda:

“From the rostrum of the United Nations, we shall convince the colonial and semicolonial people to liberate themselves and to spread the Communist theory all over the world.”

Former KGB agent Ladislav Bittman emphasised how the Soviet Union used the UN for propaganda purposes:

“The United Nations is an international organization that deserves special attention for the role it plays in overt and clandestine propaganda campaigns conducted by the Soviets,”

He also said how the spying at the UN office in New York was rampant:

“Spying in New York is so pervasive that some diplomats refer to the United Nations as “the stock exchange of global intelligence operations.”

He also quoted Arkady Shevchenko, a Soviet UN diplomat as saying that in 1978, when he defected to the US, that half of Russia’s one-hundred-member delegation at the UN were spies.

Joseph Kornfeder, founding member of the Communist Party of America has said of the United Nations:

“Its [the UN’s] internal setup, Communist designed, is a pattern for sociological conquest; a pattern aimed to serve the purpose of Communist penetration of the West. It is ingenious and deceptive.”

The communist threat today  

It is clear that communist ideology has historically been widespread throughout the WHO and the UN but what about today?

In 2022, the WHO appointed Susan Michie to the post of chair of Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for Behavioural Insights and Science for Health. Michie was an influential member of the SAGE team ‘nudge unit’ that that urged the UK government to pursue the catastrophic, tyrannical, freedom-destroying lockdown measures during covid. She has been a member of the communist party for 40 years, and advocated for mask mandates and social distancing forever. She is such an extremist, that she was known as Stalin’s nanny by her fellow students at Oxford university.

The current Director-General of the WHO is the Ethiopian, Tedros Ghebreyesus. Although elected to the post by a large majority, his own country didn’t support him due to his previous membership of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, a Marxist group designated by the Ethiopia government as a terrorist organisation. In 1984 to 1985 it diverted overseas aid money that was designated for famine relief to purchase arms. The TPLF has been accused of war crimes including rape, using child soldiers and the execution of prisoners and civilians. Tedros, himself, has been accused of aiding genocide and crimes against humanity when he was part of the TPLF government in Ethiopia.

In 2017, there were two favourite candidates for the post of Secretary-General of the United Nations. Irina Bokova who was General-Secretary of another branch of the UN, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), was one of them. Both she and her father were members of the Bulgarian communist party. After graduating, she trained young people from the Eastern Bloc to be diplomats and KGB agents.

The other candidate, who eventually got the post, was Antonio Guterres. He was a former leader of the Portuguese Socialist Party that was founded on Marxist ideology. He was also president of Socialist International (SI), a worldwide group of political parties who want a global socialist government and who have various communists in leading roles within the organisation.

Guterres is a committed Marxist and promoted the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset alongside Klaus Schwab, who believes that communist China is a role model for other countries. Schwab’s infamous statement to the people of the world that ‘you will own nothing and be happy,’ is, of course, pure Communist, Utopian nonsense.

In 2021 Guterres was re-elected as the Un General-Secretary post.

The Australian Morning Mail declared –

“The appointment of Antonio Guterres as Secretary-General of the United Nations poses significant danger to the free world.”   

It’s time to sever all ties  

I would suggest that the United Nations itself and its offspring, The World Health Organisation, pose a significant danger to the world. Rather than signing up to the WHO’s pandemic treaty we should be withdrawing from the organisation altogether and distancing ourselves from the UN. Communist ideology is in their blood and unless we want a future where we own nothing, not even our freedom or our own bodily autonomy, and live in a state of complete despair, we need to jettison all ties to these sinister, tyrannical organisations. We need to do it now and we need to disavow them completely and permanently. Anything less and we will be led inexorably down the path to a globalist dictatorship.


Stephen McMurray is a member of the Free Speech Union and an ardent truth-seeker.


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4 thoughts on “Communist Influence in the United Nations and the World Health Organisation.  ”

  1. Pingback: News Round-Up – The Daily Sceptic

  2. Alison Wright

    Boris Johnson referenced Lenin in his notable speech to the CBI, stating, ‘Lenin once said that the Communist Revolution was Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country… the coming industrial revolution is green power plus the electrification of the whole country.’ Interestingly, we observe that one of his companies was named Finland Station Limited, after the railway station central to Lenin’s involvement in the Russian Revolution. With these elements in mind, it raises questions as to whether there might be any cause for concern regarding potential infiltration of the Conservative Party.

  3. The New Conservative article on the communist influence in the UN and WHO rightly highlights historical instances of infiltration through the use of multiple false identities. Throughout history, communist spies have employed various aliases to achieve their aims, making it essential to remain vigilant against such tactics. Interestingly, this article prompts us to consider the individuals currently holding key political roles with multiple identities registered in Companies House, like the Prime Minister and Attorney General. While it may not directly establish a connection to communist infiltration, the characteristic of holding conflicting identities should serve as a red flag, warranting further investigation to safeguard our nation’s security and democratic principles.

  4. Mr McMurray,

    Superb well researched article. Confirms all my beliefs. Thank you

    My low trust in UN sank further when PM May sneakily signed the UN Migrant treaty, which nobody, not even GB News mentions, when reporting on illegal immigrants invading UK

    The WHO’s tyranical response to Sars-Cov-2, started by designating a mild “Flu” as a pandemic, then u-turning to impose useless & damaging masking obliterated all remaining trust

    Finaly, the war between UNESCO and WHO over the DTP “vaccine” which killed iirs 500,000 children and WHO contiinued jabbing proved the entire UN is a satanic embodiment


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