The New Conservative

Kitchen knives

Blaming The Cutlery 

As I argued in Banalysis: The Lie Destroying The West, the single most virulent disease afflicting Britain and the West generally is not mass immigration, gender ideology or even Islam, but the lie which facilitates them: ‘equality’. That’s not to say of course that people should not be treated equally, or even as if they were equal – but the insistence that they are de facto equal, regardless of the insurmountable evidence to the contrary, would not pass muster in a nursery school playground:

The bell-shaped curve rather nicely and incontrovertibly puts the lie to equality, as it accurately reflects the spectacularly hierarchical nature of the human race. Because of variation in populations, the general outranks the private, the father is head of the family, the matron runs the hospital ward, the CEO turns up to work when he feels like it, the star striker gets more tabloid inches than his substitute colleagues, while the toilet cleaner gets rather less inches than her supermodel counterparts, the prefect gives lines to the younger boys, the Prime Minister gets a good seat at PMQs, and the big dogs shit where they like. Don’t like it? Fine, it’s still true.” 

It is thanks to such evidence that western liberals wedded to the lie of equality have a difficult choice on their hands: 

  1. Accept the reality that people vary. 
  2. Endlessly invent excuses as to why (even with the drastic interference of government), equality can still not be located within society’s petri dish.

Nowhere is this dichotomy more obvious than the suicidal policy of multiculturalism; its abject failure, and the universal resort of western leaders to blame the host populations for failing to integrate to their invaders. 

The endless iterations of the same excuse are remarkable only for their lack of creativity: sexism, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia etc. My personal favourite being the fake charge of ‘discrimination’, which gaslights the population being discriminated against (usually white males) and criminalises them for refusing to pretend that their replacement is something to be celebrated. 

The discovery of new excuses is a growth industry. Professional grievance-mongers make a fat living pretending to be victimised by the hand that feeds them, and continuously feed the right a list of charges to answer before they are permitted to comment:

Of course, not all Muslims are terrorists…

I’ve got nothing against ‘transwomen’…

As a white man of privilege …

It is curious to note that the equality-pushers are rarely concerned about the hypocrisy of the inequalities they preach. Naturally, made up concepts such as white privilege and toxic masculinity are infinitely more palatable than simply admitting that populations vary in terms of how stabby, rapey and murderous they may happen to be. 

Having exhausted the more plausible explanations for the unwanted variance on our streets, self-flaggelating liberals are becoming increasingly desperate. Hence, we are entreated to the following:

Mass sexual assault is no worse than a night out in Birmingham (Jess Phillips) 

The fastest growing terror threat in Britain is far-right extremism (Former counter-terror Chief, Neil Basu, despite 90% of MI5’s terror watchlist being composed of jihadis)

Violent videos available on social media are to blame for atrocities like Southport (Yvette Cooper) 

Threatening to arrest people for being ‘openly Jewish’, rather than their would-be assailants (Metropolitan Police) 

Arresting and charging people for burning the Koran, rather than their would-be murderers (Greater Manchester Police) 

None of these come close however to the infantile babbling of the actor Idris Elba, who has decided that the solution to the uptick in stabbing is to blunt the knives. Ironically, Elba was once famously considered ‘too street’ to play James Bond, but perhaps he isn’t nearly ‘street’ enough. If he were, he would realise that that the problem isn’t knives, but lawless London, failed Utopian policies, and in this case the black community which (alongside its many other shortcomings) has a problem with knife crime. 


As a well-heeled and successful black man you can understand Elba’s frustration, and it’s almost pitiful to witness the extent he’ll go to ignore the blindingly obvious. Christ knows what he’s going to do when he learns about the availability of screwdrivers, scissors, garden tools and razorblades!

Naturally Keir Starmer is on the same page, and looks jolly pleased with himself having added another string to his bow: ‘two-tier’ is matched now by ‘two-IDs’, which you’ll soon need to purchase the latest stabbing accoutrements online. But isn’t he (like Elba and his knives) rather missing the point? Did we not have access to mother’s kitchen drawer before the cultural and ethnic makeover of London? Was Fanny Cradock more dangerous than we gave her credit for? Are prison inmates not able to fashion a ‘shank’ from practically anything? What planet do these people live on? 

The choice for western governments is simple: 

  1. Acknowledge the causes of Southport, Reading, Streatham, London Bridge, Westminster, Parsons Green, Manchester Arena etc, and regulate society accordingly (if it’s not obvious, those causes are the mass import of third world savages, the failure to deal with Islam, and the two-tier system established to pretend these problems do not exist). 
  2. Focus solely on the effects; waste time and resources we do not have treating the symptoms, and face the consequences of your lie (or rather, allow the white, working-class to face them for you).  

Throughout my lifespan, knives were considered so innocuous they were the traditional wedding gift of choice for the uninitiated. There’s a reason why all those weddings resulted in drunken stupors rather than bloodbaths. There might also be a reason why Britain’s cutlery suddenly became radicalised. You know it, and I know it. It’s about time our government stopped lying about it. 


Frank Haviland is the author of Banalysis: The Lie Destroying the West, and writes a Substack here.


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4 thoughts on “Blaming The Cutlery ”

  1. Them: “Nothing to see here, move along”.
    Us: “But there is something, just LOOK!”.
    Them: “oh yes, look a squirrel”.

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