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Who Exactly Hates Britain?

Dear Editor,

On April the 21st the Sunday Times published an article in which an anonymous teacher wrote that, when he asked his class who hated Britain, “Thirty hands shot up with immediate, absolute certainty.” It couldn’t possibly have been clearer from the article that those thirty hands were all Muslim, belonging to pupils believing that women should have fewer rights than men, despising and hating Jews, in favour of executing not just murderers but all manner of criminals, many Taliban supporters, some having lived in Islamic countries including Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. No one could have even the slightest acquaintance with the article — not even in Toby Young’s second-hand account of it in The Daily Sceptic (or, I believe, any sort of hearsay) — and not know that those thirty children who hate Britain are all Muslim.

But in Michael Deacon’s column in the Telegraph today (April 23rd) they cease to be so; they become — innocent of anything resembling racial or religious hatred (let alone of the native population they live amongst) — just “many members of Gen Z”, “the next generation”, a representative cross-section of “today’s teenagers”, including, it is implied, those — as we must all learn to say — ‘of white British heritage’. No racial or religious hatred here then. Nothing to be afraid of. No prospect of Tyber foaming with … anything.

What else is this but a blatant lie, a lie by omission? A lie Michael Deacon must have known he was making and made deliberately? This little example of suppressio veri seems to me to show why we can’t trust the msm or officialdom of any sort when it comes to reporting or commenting on the relations between the white majority and the various ethnic minorities who have come to live in our country, while they (to use Deacon’s own words) “openly loathe it”. No wonder — when those who govern us and monitor what we are to know are such corrupters of the truth — that those euphemistically-termed ‘grooming gangs’ got away with it so long.

And, for all that Toby Young calls that article “terrifying”, when he also says it reveals “the scale of national self-hatred in schools with large Muslim populations”, he seems to me to downplay what it reveals. As those Muslim pupils saying they hate Britain can hardly be taken to mean they hate themselves, their own families, one another and all their fellow Muslims, it can only mean that they don’t regard themselves as British and that the objects of their hate are the nation and its native population whom they have come to live amongst.


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3 thoughts on “Who Exactly Hates Britain?”

  1. We are living in the age of the Lie- drowning in a sea of falsification, omission, and untruths. It is no small feat to try to keep in mind what reality is- my guess is that this is part of the game to grind us down into submission.

    1. Do you think anyone told Michael Deaton, “Don’t mention the … Muslims” or did he just know not to? They say they hate us and we, if we belong to the class that runs things, pretend not to hear. But why? It’s very peculiar.

  2. Michael Bolton

    If you don’t like it then F**k Off out of it. We are not holding you prisoner here. Gemini dinghies can sail south as well as north.

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