I am sure that one should not take pleasure in others’ misery. The Left’s congenital schadenfreude whenever conservatives are convicted of thought crimes notwithstanding, two wrongs never make a right. But, by God am I enjoying the left-wing liberal meltdown following the resounding victory of Donald Trump in the US elections.
“How can I count the ways?” comes to mind. There is so much to choose from, and Twitter is buzzing like a beehive with the incredulous, hypersensitive outpourings of the terminally deranged. One woman reckoned that any man who voted for Trump should be denied sex for four years. Looking at her, I wondered “why stop at four?”. If she was what I woke up to each morning, I’d take a vow of celibacy.
I see that this ‘pussy strike’ is spreading across the United States, as some women feel jilted by the fact that a woman was not elected president. It was ‘misogyny’ they say, ignoring the fact that, on the one hand, the woman who stood for president was a complete political and intellectual dud and, on the other hand, that women came out in droves to vote for Trump. I imagine that the pussy strikers will not have any effect on the sex lives of the men they purport to target and, given the repulsive nature of those who claim to have shut the sweetie shop for four years, that this will not have much effect on their sex lives either. Plus ça change!
The BBC Radio 4 Today programme, all I ever catch for the duration of my ablutions, on the day the great victory dawned, was quite restrained. But I imagine they would have been cock-a-hoop (if they could find a cock in the studio) had Chameleon Harris won.
However, the mask slipped a few times. Nick Robinson, the self-righteous (w)anchorman of the Today team, repeatedly asked interviewees how it could have happened, how could Trump have been elected? It clearly had not dawned on him how an unfettered democratic system works. The Trump campaign hired nearly a quarter of a million people to go and monitor the election processes. It seems like it may have worked.
Trump won more states and more people voted for him, ergo more people preferred his policies to the man-hating, intersectional, abortion obsessed ravings of the lunatics that were running the Democratic party asylum. Yet, Old Nick continued to show his obvious bias by expressing surprise. Presumably he also confuses, despite the evidence, the outcome of polls with the likely outcome of the elections which they purport to predict.
It is interesting how any mention of Elon Musk’s involvement seems muted. Presumably all in the Today team detest Musk. It must be so hard for them to promote their Net Zero E-car agenda knowing that the prime developer of those very e-cars (OK, nobody is perfect) is the man they hate. But they dare not be too critical, as Elon has the resources to hunt them to ground and sue their arses off. They also know that if they were up against him in an interview, he would likely wipe the studio floor with them. In addition, he has the power to kick them off X (formerly known as Twitter).
One particular target of the opprobrium for those suffering from Trump derangement syndrome, is Robert F Kennedy Junior (RFK Jr.). Trump is threatening to appoint him to a position where he will have an influence on health policy. Who knows, he may even have put him in charge of health by the time this goes to print. There is not a mention of RFK Jr. that is not accompanied by mention of ‘misinformation about vaccines’, and his adherence to some ‘quirky’, i.e. conservative, views.
This new phenomenon of RFK Jr. derangement syndrome is picked up in the daily excrescence of the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University (a combination of words that should strike fear into the heart of any freedom loving person), their newsletter Global Health Now (GHN). For those unfamiliar with GHN, it is everything you would imagine: Covid deadly; vaccines wonderful; abortion = healthcare; men are c***s, especially white ones.
The GHN of 7 November linked a ‘gift article’ from that other bastion of woke values, The New York Times (NYT). The article is about RFK Jr.’s likely involvement in Trump’s health team, and the fact that they removed the paywall is a clear indication of which message they want to convey. In the article, Remy Tumin criticises RFK Jr.’s likely influence on the health agenda, citing the usual ‘misinformation about vaccines’ trope and, shock horror, that he has no scientific or medical qualifications.
As with the BBC above, Ms Tumin does not specify exactly what aspects of vaccines RFK Jr. has misinformed us about. Could it be that the Covid vaccines are virtually useless with absolute risk reduction for infection of less than 1% and negligible absolute risk reduction of death? Could it be the widespread side effects affecting tens of thousands of people and killing thousands of people? These are now so bad that, combined with the ineffective nature of the vaccines and the fact that Covid is largely a nothingburger, the US state of Idaho has banned their use.
As for medical qualifications, I guess that she means compared with Bill Gates BSc PhD MD FRCP (he has none of those postnominals, by the way), who advises everyone and his dog about vaccine policy, and is listened to. It is crystal clear that if you are on message with the Covid narrative that you get a bye on your lack of medical or scientific qualifications. If you are not on message, even your scientific or medical qualifications won’t save you from criticism.
Roger Watson is a retired academic, editor and writer. He is a columnist with Unity News Network and writes regularly for a range of conservative journals including The Salisbury Review and The European Conservative. He has travelled and worked extensively in the Far East and the Middle East. He lives in Kingston upon Hull, UK.
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The bit I liked best about the sex strikers was the one who said (a) men had to ‘respect’ her body (i.e. by having voted for the abortionist), and (b) otherwise they couldn’t have ‘access’ to it, as if it were something like a public urinal. Did any man ‘objectify’ woman as graphically as this ‘feminist’?
I thought all these sorts of female played rugby – or in my neck of the woods Aussie Rules Duke
Yes, it’s quite staggering that these people believe their deranged screaming matters to anyone. Add to those the “threats” (promises?) our betters in Hollywood come up with to leave the USA presumably to avoid the mass incarceration they’ve dreamt Trump will visit upon them? As always it’s just hot air performing to their “tribe” as they are desperate to belong to something, anything. Their derangement seems to be an inflated view of their own relevance.
Looking forward to Trump taking metaphorical shots at Starmer and his cabinet, Khan/Londonistan, and eco-nut greenies Charles/William more than Christmas. Is the NHS offering priority counselling to those affected by the US election results yet?
The Guardian is offering counselling for traumatised employees, and some universities here and in the US are offering ‘spaces’ with therapy goats, ducks, kittens and puppies for poor little baby students. Yes, really!
I was 100% with you until ‘Covid is largely a nothingburger’. It certainly wasn’t for me, and many who died. I’m of an age where it was a case of which am I more scared of – covid or the vaccine? Having already had covid pre-vaccine, felt like death while I had it, with after effects of no sense of taste or smell for a year, I was glad to have the jab when it became available. I didn’t expect it to stop me getting it, just hoped not to end up in hospital on a ventilator. I’m not having any more after having had 4 over2 years, but I don’t agree with the now fashionable view that covid never happened, or it was a hoax, the sniffles, or a nothingburger.
2 points- the diagnosis of ‘covid’ …a ‘case’ was done by a not fit for purpose test, or by reference to a set of symptoms identical to a cold or flu like illness.
The term ‘nothingburger’ means a ‘nothing out of the ordinary’ virus. It was made ‘special’ ‘scary’ because it was given a label, ‘Covid-19’…industrial levels of propaganda were pushed out to make it ‘special’, a novel ‘scary’ thing….keep 2 metres apart, wear a mask, don’t touch a grieving relative at a funeral, wipe your shopping before you bring it indoors!
Yes, it’s hard when you’re trying to be polite to point out to those who claim to have been badly stricken with covid or those who mention the x who allegedly died of it (with no postmortem to confirm anything) that it was flu and that every year (except when flu was rebranded as covid) many people get seriously ill with the flu and also many die of it. Similarly, what happened to the ‘I’ve had a most peculiar bug, it made me really poorly’ attitude everyone (except chronic hypochondriacs) had prior to 2020?
No doubt spoken as one who never had it and never lost anybody to it. Yes, I am one of those who, as you so patronisingly put it, ‘claim’ to have been badly affected by it. Of course, I’m so old and stupid that I don’t know when I’ve got flu and when I have ‘something else’. You are entitled to your opinion, but that is all it is – an opinion – so please don’t presume to think that you are right about everything. ‘It is hard when you’re trying to be polite’ to those who choose to opine, in such a superior way, that covid didn’t and doesn’t exist.
Yes, it’s my opinion covid was flu. I do know of people who died of it (but flu on top of their other ailments/extreme old age) and yes I did have summer flu during that crazy period when flu apparently didn’t strike anyone – I went on a UK city break holiday despite feeling ill because I knew it would go if dosed with aspirin. Is it now condescending to state an opinion not shared by the majority? Let’s agree to amicably disagree on this one.
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Generally agree but the Covid ‘vaccines’ have only been stopped in part of Idaho, not the entire State. Yet.
You ask us to share this article, but how? Why don’t you provide the usual links to twitter/X so we can do so?
All these crazy women always have this smug look on their faces like they know something no one else knows`. The common thread that connects all of these insane beaches,is their ingrained hatred toward anyone who thinks differently then them. They don’t understand why people are not obsessing on abortion 24/7.. My body, my choice unless, of course. if a deadly vaccine is involved. I bet their husbands, except the ones that are completely hen pecked, are silently celebrating their release from their husbandly duties with these witches.
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