A former British Army Chief of Staff was interviewed on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme last week, about the woeful state of the British Armed Forces. He said that when he commanded a battle group – of which there were several at that time – he had more men and more firepower at his command than the British Army now possesses in its entirety. He also referred to how few of the few ships we have left could be put to sea by the Royal Navy, and how reduced in size the Royal Air Force was.
These things are worth pondering as our illustrious leader, Brigadier General Sir Keir Starmer, prepares to take on the Russians with his insane proposal to put British troops on the ground in Ukraine. Next, he’ll be planning to invade Russia and topple Putin, so deluded is he about what effect the remaining handful of British troops could have. It seems that no British Prime Minister in recent history is happy until our young men and women are dying on a foreign field in pursuit of some useless cause, the outcome of which has absolutely no bearing on the security of our county. If only we would stay out of it.
What, exactly, a British Army in its current state could achieve in Ukraine is far from clear. The British Army motto is now ‘ours is not to do and die; ours is to implement DEI’. The British Armed forces have generally become infected with the woke mind virus to such an extent that behind the scenes (and I have this on very good authority) they are completely tied up with cases of gender dysphoria, sexual harassment, and some incredible cases of excessive tomfoolery amongst the ranks, that they have time for little else.
It is hard to imagine British troops as they currently manifest, being able to work for long with the Ukrainians. For starters, when I have seen senior Ukrainian military interviewed, I am quite sure that I have not heard one of them express their preferred pronouns. Our vanguard troops would have to include at least a detachment of equality and diversity officers alongside some highly trained counsellors to ensure that the shock of exposure to the unregenerate Ukrainian troops was not too traumatic. God help them if they encounter the Russians.
One wonders if Sir Keir has really thought this through. On his many visits to Ukraine, when he just loves to pose in his combat jacket alongside his new best pal, has he taken the time to enquire whether the field latrines are gender neutral or, if there are separate toilets, whether the male ones contain a liberal supply of tampons? I’m sure he hasn’t given these things a thought in his haste to get us involved in the Ukraine war.
Meantime, according to the Migration Watch website we continue to witness record levels of immigration and asylum seeking. Boats loaded to the gunwales with young men of military age land daily on our shores and are welcomed with open arms, handouts and free accommodation. Such is the proportion of these who commit sexual offences, it is almost as if we had outsourced our noncing to young Muslim men. Nothing is sacred.
Thank God Starmer is being tough on illegal immigration and cracking down on the human traffickers. I’d hate to see the state of the country if he was doing nothing about it. Regarding illegal immigrants and bogus asylum seekers, I have an innovative suggestion for the Prime Minister. Let them all in, rush through the process whereby they may obtain British citizenship, enlist them in the British Army and send them to Ukraine. That might test their enthusiasm for arriving on our shores.
In other news, out two senior royals seem to have become the King and Queen of iftar. Last seen picking and packing dates for iftar – the nightly binge that Muslims engage in during the month of ‘fasting’ – and generally fawning over all things Ramadanny. Our leaders – political and regal – seem to be so obsessed with the ‘religion of peace’, that we could almost be mistaken for a Muslim country. If it wasn’t for all the rampant Islamophobia on display everywhere, we probably would be a Muslim country.
Troops on the ground in Ukraine, cracking down on human traffickers, royals packing dates of iftar. Somebody is having a laugh. But it’s certainly not me.
Roger Watson is a retired academic, editor and writer. He is a columnist with Unity News Network and writes regularly for a range of conservative journals including The Salisbury Review and The European Conservative. He has travelled and worked extensively in the Far East and the Middle East. He lives in Kingston upon Hull, UK.
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Starmer is just a metallic sounding version of Blair. The latter was wont to strut his stuff on the world stage, his “grin as wide as a rotting beam”, posing with platoons of soldiers or alongside his comrade Bush. Starmer’s hug of Zelensky outside No10 was just another pose….here I am with a ‘hero’, and I will heroically be sending more billions to Ukraine because democracy is vital to support.
Badenoch is also on the same page, perhaps hoping she can be part of the ‘heroic’ club sending more unwilling men to the war. It must make them feel proud and honoured to be a pal to Zelensky- the man who only dons a suit when it suits him, addressing the WEF. At all other times it is ‘battle fatigues’ because he is on the front line fighting for ‘democracy’.
Starmer and Badenoch are just two trite expressions of the uniparty- both prefer censorship to free speech.
Can’t really see the institution of monarchy having a great future when white English become a minority in the UK in three very short decades.
It is a mystery why since Suez (Falklands an exception, and even that was avoidable) the UK ever gets involved with overseas wars and doesn’t just mind its own business and concentrate entirely on home defense – for example repelling illegal immigrants (aka criminals one and all, the clue being ‘illegal’).
As for the Royal Family dalying with Islam, surely just a pathetic attempt to create future relevance by aspiring to be ‘King & Queen of all hearts’ – it won’t work, most now despise the institution and its figureheads but are still taken in by the tourist income lie.
Why did the UK start WII knowing they could not win? We declared war on Germany based on a pointless agreement with Poland to defend it from attack, but when the USSR attacked Poland we did not declare war on them. The reason was we needed the USSR to defeat Germany. Look at the numbers of dead Russians and Germans. That is where the war took place. The number of UK and USA dead are small in comparison. Look at the outcome. Britain will say it entered the war to save Europe from the Nazis but it then gave it to the Communists because Stalin held the upper hand. We lost the Empire as a result, we were bankrupt and the pound lost its status as the reserve currency. We are now a tin-pot island off Europe with few resources. Our politicians haven’t worked that out yet.
No one (or very few of us) has worked out, let alone accepted, that we are indeed a tin pot island off the coast of Europe – albeit with coal, gas, oil resources aplenty plus enough agricultural land to be self-sufficient in almost all food supplies, not forgetting fish but only if the will was there to capitalise on tangibles, but of course it isn’t.
I often wonder if other former Imperial powers in Europe harbour similar delusions of relevance and clout in the 2020s?
Unfortunately we can’t rewrite the past and never ever it seems learn from the mistakes of history.
Hopefully the ROP recipients of the dates will stick to their religious principles and return them with a note saying ‘we can’t eat these, they have been touched by unclean non-Islamic hands, also by the Supreme Head of a Christian Church and come from a dog owning household – all totally haram, but thanks for the virtue signalling thought anyway (by the way it won’t save you)’.
Perhaps it’s just as well they are taking down all those portraits of Nelson, Wellington and Churchill – they would be so ashamed and perplexed by the state of the country and the people in charge. As for old Charlie – well, he lost the plot years ago!