The New Conservative

Too white

“Too White” 

Too white” has long been the war cry of the anti-western, anti-democratic, anti-white rabble, which finds itself tragically addicted to white, democratic, western nations. Marketing their vitriol as ‘diversity’ rather than division, these parasitic organisms have had a good run. Unfortunately they may have been so thorough, they could now be running out of road. 

Consider the desperation with which new entries are added to the “too white” charge sheet: so far this year we’ve had the Chelsea Flower Show, the Royal Family’s balcony, and coverage of the Ukraine war; that’s scraping the barrel by anyone’s standards. In fact, we’re long past the stage where it would simply be more efficient to tot up the list of things which haven’t been declared “too white”, but where’s the fun in that?

The die-hard grifters are not giving up however, and this week they came out in force. Faced with the disingenuous topic of ‘white privilege, the wankers at BBC Newsround clearly couldn’t resist employing the talents of ‘Professor of Black Studies’ Kehinde (The Psychosis of Whiteness) Andrews – who better to teach the nation’s children in an impartial fashion? Then there was Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, who claims “science is too white” and “all just done by European white guys”, despite being a black scientist herself. Best in show however was clearly won by MET Police Chief, Sir Mark Rowley, who had the gall to remark the following: 

Over the last decade, a young black man is 13 times more likely to be murdered than a young white man growing up in London. That is a disgrace. 

It certainly is. I suppose rather than asking ourselves who carried out these murders, we could always just round up a dozen honkies at a time, and put them out of their misery to ‘balance the books’? 

Then there’s Humza Yousaf, the first Pakistani Muslim leader of Scotland – well overdue, when you consider Scotland is a mere 96% white. Yousaf found himself in the extraordinary position of having to defend against accusations of racism last week from Elon Musk, after video resurfaced of him foaming at the mouth and spitting the word “white” 19 times in succession, as he complained about the amount of white people in positions of authority in Scotland. Clearly, Musk was the racist:

No matter how insidious the anti-white brigade may be, they do actually have a point.  If we are to take the lie of ‘equality’ seriously (and it seems most people are), then whiteness certainly presents a problem: the problem of disproportionate success. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica’s 100 greatest inventions of all time, 80 were of European or North American origin. Since its inception in 1901, 83% of Nobel Prize winning laureates come from western countries, with more than half going to UK, USA and German citizens. Then of course there’s the acid test: immigration, a one-way street from non-white countries to white ones. 

Put simply, those who devote their lives to the hatred of white people, can’t bare to be separated from us or the societies we create. Surely then, it’s parasitism not imitation which proves the sincerest form of flattery? Indeed the allure of whiteness is so strong, even Humza can’t resist it. His wife is “white”, his entire cabinet “white”, and his voters “white”. Wait till he finds out! 

One of the things implicit (though rarely openly stated) by the anti-white collective, is whether whiteness is a unique evil to be expunged; or, alternatively, whether the problem resides in imbalances and inequalities in any form? If it’s the latter, then I believe the equality, diversity and inclusion advocates are about to have their minds blown. Why not replicate the winning formula and branch out? How about, “too black”? The Notting Hill Carnival, “black”; absent fathers, “black”; gang culture, “black”; drug dealing, “black”; violent crime, “black”; knife crime, “black”; murder, “black”. It’s easy, isn’t it?

Let’s not leave Humza out either, how about “too Muslim”? Unemployment, “Muslim”, vote fraud, “Muslim”; grooming gangs, “Muslim”; antisemitism, “Muslim”; jihad, “Muslim”.

And don’t even get me started with the demography of the North Korean Democrat Association, the Iranian LGBTQwerty Lobby, and the Moroccan Friends of Jesus. They really ought to let someone else get a look in.

Of course, all this has nothing whatsoever to do with equality, diversity and inclusion – it’s hatred of white people, full stop; a relentless quest to undermine and supplant tolerant western nations, aided and abetted by the conniving cowards ‘in authority’. 

Nothing is “too white”, any more than technology is “too Asian”, maternity “too female” or reggae “too Jamaican”. Western societies are going to have to toughen up as a matter of urgency, or they are simply going to be overrun by the increasingly emboldened fifth column within our midst. 

The next time someone spits the word “white” at you 19 times in succession, they need to be challenged; and at the very least, forced to come clean about what they truly mean by it. 


Frank Haviland is the Editor of The New Conservative, and the author of Banalysis: The Lie Destroying the West.


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1 thought on ““Too White” ”

  1. You are a tad harsh in the ‘Too-Black’ category. As far as drug-dealing goes, they are mainly the retail ‘runners’ (natch). The Muslims have (allegedly) cornered the wholesale market (Albanians dominating the cocaine trade) and Turks (heroin inter alia). Production is another matter again ofc

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