The New Conservative

London Bridge

Things Can Only Get Worser

If you have ever wondered what it is like being in the midst of a revolution just look around now. This may be a revolution in which the buildings are left standing, but it is a revolution, nevertheless. The ‘long march’ through the institutions was accomplished long ago and we are now witnessing the finishing touches, the final tweaks, before the big push to make Great Britain, finally, a place unrecognisable as anything great.

In fact, this country may well become an intolerable place to live. Unless, that is, you arrived in a dinghy on our southern shores.

The speed with which the Starmer government has effected a stranglehold on the law, the economy and education is almost awe inspiring. Keir Starmer warned through his snorkel the other day that things were going to get worse before they would get better. What he really means is that things are going to get worse…period.

Economical with the truth

It is a very unlikely proposition that the economy will get better. Having found an alleged ‘black hole’ in the economy Reeves and Starmer are proceeding to deepen it by awarding generous pay awards to, well, anyone who asks for one. Nurses, doctors and train drivers are all getting a generous settlement.

The train drivers have shown their gratitude by continuing to go on strike, albeit over rostering. But you can bet your toy train set that another generous contribution from the British taxpayers would make whatever problems they have manufactured more palatable.

Come the Autumn, when Reeves is hinting that she’ll deliver her budget—like she has not already decided who is going to suffer and by how much—we’ll see who is going to pay for Starmer’s profligacy and, in fact, who is going to be funding the next stage of the revolution. Hints have a habit of being predictions with our new Labour government, so it looks like pensioners, already deprived of their winter fuel allowance, will have their pensions and savings plundered. The average British taxpayer will suffer significant increases in income tax and almost anything else that Reeves thinks she can tax.

Our green unpleasant land

The push towards Net Zero, for which Labour cannot really be blamed, it all started under the Tories, is proceeding apace with bells on. A man who cannot negotiate a bacon sandwich has been put in charge of making the UK an increasingly miserable place to live. Miliband has long expressed a desire for an accelerated ‘net zero’ agenda and plans to leave no sector untouched including transport and agriculture.

He has already approved plans for more unsightly onshore windmills (where is the RSPB when you need them?) and we hear of plans to increase fuel tax. Those of us lucky enough to own cars that cost over £40k list price already pay an additional £410 road tax for the first five years since first purchase and if the sustainable cities mob have their way, there will soon be no place we can go in them.

Miliband talks about investing in renewable energy sources but, one wonders, is he personally invested in them? If he is, I take my renewable hat off to him as the advice from The Motley Fool website, while being upbeat about such investment, in fact makes it sound like a pay cut: “If you care about sustainability, climate change, and want to have a positive impact on the planet while hopefully making money too, then investing in renewable energy stocks may be right for you. These are large companies with growth potential.” Note the “hopefully”, the “may be” and the “growth potential”, all acronyms for ‘they ain’t worth it yet’.

Culture clubbing

So much for the economy and energy policies; these are just minor diversions compared with the cultural agenda, which is a ‘Cultural Marxist’ agenda. Our Judeo-Christian culture is but a remnant, something to be looked back on with anger and mocked while Islam fills the void, aided and abetted by our legal system. You can call a Christian any name under the sun, blame Christianity for any number of social ills and question someone for looking ‘openly Jewish’. Try any of that on with our Muslim compatriots or their religion and you won’t see the sun for at least nine months.

The free speech agenda, which people like Toby Young and organisations such as the Free Speech Union worked so hard for under the last regime (and even that regime had its doubts) is being pushed back hard. One of the government’s first announcements was that it was not going to implement what remained of the Higher Education (Free Speech) act 2023. This means that UK universities can continue to be hotbeds of educational mediocrity, but bastions of such nonsense as critical theory and queer studies, and God help anyone brave enough to raise objections.

In the same vein Starmer’s finest have also announced their intention to reinstate the recording of career ending non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs) abolished by, then Home Secretary, Suella Braverman. In fact, the police continued to record NCHIs, such was the enthusiasm of some Chief Constables for them. And what better way to avoid tackling real crimes than to tackle ‘non-crimes’ which are often only in the eye of the perpetually offended? Now the police have a huge carte blanche (they’ll probably need more than one) on which to record NCHIs.

The pace of change is as brazen as it is astonishing. Starmer has the ‘super majority’, essentially, to push through Parliament and on to (or off) the statute books whatever takes his fancy. He not only intends to do that and is already doing it; he reckons he needs at least ten years to complete his mission. God only knows what else he and his team of wreckers have in store for Britain and the British way of life.


Roger Watson is a retired academic, editor and writer. He is a columnist with Unity News Network and writes regularly for a range of conservative journals including The Salisbury Review and The European Conservative. He has travelled and worked extensively in the Far East and the Middle East. He lives in Kingston upon Hull, UK.


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8 thoughts on “Things Can Only Get Worser”

  1. I do wonder if the professional and managerial classes (‘go along to get along classes’) really do think that if they keep meekly swallowing the liberal progressive medicine to keep their careers on track and standard of living high they will be favoured by the tyrants in our midst.

    1. Classes not necessary, this type has always had a keen awareness of which side their bread is buttered and have a propensity to be conveniently blind to the idiocy and blatant contradictions….until they themselves are inconvenienced or replaced by more ‘suitable’ box ticking hires.

  2. Apologies if this appears twice, can’t see my comment: “The push towards Net Zero, for which Labour cannot really be blamed, it all started under the Tories, is proceeding apace with bells on.” Yes they can be blamed, it was David Miliband’s great scheme pushed and presented by Miliband minor, both under Tony Blair’s New Labour. Christopher Booker called it the most expensive legislation ever…

  3. Starmer needs to be constantly reminded that only 20% of the registered electorate voted for Labour and 40% didn’t even go to vote. He has no mandate to do anything.

    1. We need a few by-elections, they could be interesting. And local elections in May 2025 could be brutal.

      Still stuck with Labour though, mandate or not. As I understand it, a motion of no confidence would be needed to get rid of Labour. Very unlikely to happen.

  4. But looking on the bright side (if there is one), the more labour are exposed the quicker and more thorough their fall will be – but unfortunately only to be replaced with faux conservatives probably in necessary formal cahoots with libs/greens. I can’t bring myself to use capital letters for any of these so called political parties.

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