The New Conservative

White girl crying

The Problem Is Not Racism; It Is a Lack of Racialism

The gory details – and some of them are gory in the extreme – are emerging about what happened to the mainly young white girls at the hands of the, so-called, ‘Asian’ grooming gangs – ‘grooming’ being the preferred term for horrific gang rapes, inconveniently committed by those other than white men. Jess Phillips, our ‘safeguarding’ minister, refuses to call a public inquiry into the obvious mishandling by the police of the Oldham grooming gangs, for reasons we can only guess. But a good guess would be that her reasons match the motives of the police and social workers in Oldham (and Rotherham and Rochdale and Halifax and others yet to emerge), that of being accused of the sin of all sins, racism.

Phillips, like Blair before her and now her glorious leader Sir Keir Starmer, is addicted to the concept of a harmonious multiracial society despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary. The Tories, it must be said, merely passed the baton of Blair on through a succession of hapless leaders, to the current government of the UK; they did virtually nothing to make things better.

Nothing must be done to upset the multicultural applecart of our deluded political and chattering classes. Young, mainly white, working-class girls can be sacrificed – as they undoubtedly have been – on the pyre of pious platitudes about white privilege, racial integration and the newest, and most vacuous of phobias, that of Islamophobia.

There has been a problem from the outset in all the investigations and muted reporting about grooming gangs and, once it emerged that these pockets of intense and industrial scale grooming did not involve white perpetrators, which was the description of the gangs as ‘Asian’. This was a fudge that widened, by the very definition of Asian, the potential perpetrators.

Asian could imply that Chinese Chang and his mates from the Lucky Dragon takeaway were up to no good. Maybe they were, but the Asians referred to in the description of the grooming gangs were South Asians, specifically Pakistani and specifically Muslim. Nothing to see there, eh Jess?! At least the mainstream media seems to be opening up about the truth (albeit, several decades late to the party), and The Telegraph has probably been ahead of the game. This weekend, they were crystal clear about the ethnicity of the men in the grooming gangs.

Numbers are hard to come by, partly because the police refuse to record them, partly because the authorities cover them up, and partly because every ‘independent’ inquiry has been a whitewash in all but name. However, a report from 2015 showed that, while 14% of men involved in child sexual exploitation were described as Asian or Asian British, the last UK census showed that less than 9% of the population of England and Wales identified as Asian. Thus, Asian men are overrepresented in the operation of grooming gangs and sexual abuse of young girls generally.

And these seem to have little or nothing to do with illegal immigrants; these are immigrants who entered legally; they are known to the authorities, they have addresses, National Insurance numbers and driving licences (a remarkable number seem to be taxi drivers). We let them in. Imagine the problems we are storing up for the future as thousands of testosterone-fuelled young men of a Muslim persuasion, mainly from Afghanistan, flee the horrors of beef bourguignon, croissant and café au lait for the sophistication of British cuisine?

These are people who lie about their origins, lie about their age and identity and make up porky pies (no offence intended) about their reasons for fleeing their countries of origin. Are these model citizens, likely to respect our laws, our culture and, more specifically our young women? Absolutely not.

The reluctance of our leaders and the institutions that purported to deal with the grooming gangs to state the precise ethnicity and religion of the grooming gangsters, is being compounded by their continued failure to acknowledge that there is a problem associated with both their ethnicity and religion.

Pakistan, despite electing and then blowing up their first female prime minister, the wonderful Benazir Bhutto, is a society where women are not, generally, respected in the same way as in the west. Some of my own research, conducted with a female Pakistani colleague, shows clearly that in South Asian cultures men consider violence against their wives is justified in some circumstances, for example refusing to have sex. We only need to see women with their faces covered and dressed in the burka to know that the attitude towards women in Islam differs greatly from our own.

Admittedly, it is quite a leap from making a woman cover herself up in public and approving of a slap if there is no slap and tickle to the systematic grooming and gang raping of underage girls. But if there is not a problem, then why is it happening? Moreover, by not addressing the problem, how much has carried on that could have been prevented and how much will carry on regardless?

Before the keyboard warriors of the cancel culture brigade get a head of steam about the title of this article, they should read it correctly. We need more racialism, in other words, the acknowledgement that there are differences between groups, differences mainly routed in culture as opposed to genetics. That is not racism, which assumes an innate superiority of one race. There is no place for that. After all, 42% of sexual exploitation is apparently perpetrated by white men. That also needs to be addressed.


Roger Watson is a retired academic, editor and writer. He is a columnist with Unity News Network and writes regularly for a range of conservative journals including The Salisbury Review and The European Conservative. He has travelled and worked extensively in the Far East and the Middle East. He lives in Kingston upon Hull, UK.


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3 thoughts on “The Problem Is Not Racism; It Is a Lack of Racialism”

  1. Words/analysis/assumptions simply aren’t enough anymore. The problem is disproportionate criminality by those from certain immigrant backgrounds (and not just rape) and the incompatibility of Islamic beliefs with C21st values. The solutions that are patently obvious to even those of the lowest intelligence, aren’t though acceptable to ‘our betters’ who prefer to sneer at those who don’t even pretend to buy in to their lies and are conveniently easy targets for imprisonment.

  2. Pingback: How Does Keir Starmer Sleep at Night? - The New Conservative

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