The New Conservative

The Offended Jihadi

Terrorists and Taverns

A convicted Islamic terrorist has taken offence at the name of a pub, one of the many pubs in the UK called The Saracen’s Head (in Glasgow, always referred to as ‘The Sarrie Hied’). The terrorist in question, one Khalid Baqa, is suing the landlord for £1835 and plans to extend his campaign to another 30 pubs with the same name. When the story was put on X by the Daily Sceptic they felt it necessary to explain that the story was not a joke.

So, someone who has been convicted of disseminating terrorist publications in the UK in the name of the religion of peace has decided to take the Islamic piss by feigning outrage at a pub name, the origins of which are obscure. It may refer to raids on the south coast of England by Barbary pirates who robbed, pillaged and captured coastal dwellers, and made them slaves in North Africa. They were not Muslims and were referred to as Saracens, a term that was used in the fifth century to refer to those living on the coast of North Africa. The term was much later applied to Muslims and was particularly used during the Crusades.

What are we to make of Mr Baqa and his ridiculous Islamic virtue-signalling? At the time of writing, it is not clear if his attempt to sue has made any progress. There seems to be no Latin or legal equivalent of ‘eff off’ and, given what a bunch of softies we have become – especially where all things Islamic are concerned, it would not be surprising if some magistrate somewhere was giving the matter due consideration.

But what next if this case is considered? What if Khalid Baqa wins his case and The Saracen’s Head pub in his town must change its name to something more acceptable to him, something like The Crucified Christian or The Caliphate Arms? He’ll go after those other pubs and, once he has gathered momentum, possibly after pubs in general, for offending his hypersensitivity by selling alcohol. I speculate, of course, but with the rapid Islamification of the UK it is not too remote a possibility.

How should we respond to such nonsense? In my view, the only solution is to be even more offensive and renaming as many pubs as possible in ways that we know will offend our Muslim brothers and sisters – the ones who want to impose their way of life on us, the majority simply being grateful to live in the UK where they do not have to suffer under an Islamic state. Moreover, we should keep on being offensive until the mad minority of bearded censors get the message that we are not going to back down, change what is left of our way of life and submit to the caliphate.

Towards that end, I have some suggestions for pub names that should reflect Islam and make the likes of Mr Baqa feel right at home. Here goes:

The Severed Hand

The Beer and Burka

The Clipped Clitoris

The Stoned Adulteress

The Thirty Virgins

I am sure that readers of TNC will have their own suggestions to add to the list.

Of course, accusations of Islamophobia will follow, and I freely admit to that charge where eejits like Khalid Baqa are concerned. I have no issue with the ‘expressions of Muslimness’ contained in the APPG definition of Islamophobia, provided that those expressions are not attempts to change our way of life, blow us to smithereens or insist that women must cover their faces in public.

The moderate majority of British Muslims must work harder to put the brakes on the enemy that lies within them – people like Mr Baqa, and others who consider our way of life as decadent, godless and liberal in all the wrong ways. They are perfectly correct, our way of life is decadent, godless and liberal in all the wrong ways – but it is not their job to change it.

In the process of writing this, it transpires that the campaign to rename pubs with the name The Saracen’s Head has extended. Clearly our friend Mr Baqa is serious. Britain is not (yet) and hopefully never will become an Islamic state with Sharia law. And, where the law is concerned, it is to be hoped that Khalid Baqa’s attempt to change pub names which offend him will be thrown out.

Baqa is a British National, so it is unlikely that he’ll be thrown out along with it. On the other hand (provided it has not been severed), he could be encouraged to consider taking up residence in one of the many Islamic paradises across the world. I hear Syria is nice at this time of year.


Roger Watson is a retired academic, editor and writer. He is a columnist with Unity News Network and writes regularly for a range of conservative journals including The Salisbury Review and The European Conservative. He has travelled and worked extensively in the Far East and the Middle East. He lives in Kingston upon Hull, UK.


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10 thoughts on “Terrorists and Taverns”

  1. Martin Howard Keith Brumby

    “The epileptic paedophile” might be a good name. But how to illustrate the sign?
    Perhaps “Bellender Baqa” might be safer and more in keeping with British pub humour.

  2. Ye Olde Childe Bride? The Salmon Rushed Inn?
    I’ve long thought it ought to be illegal to change pub names full stop (as historic names need protection) and this has nothing to do with anyone’s alleged sensitivities.

  3. The “Black Boy” in Sevenoaks changed it’s name to something neutral so as not to offend…well, as it’s a posh white town, I imagine not to offend the Guardian readers. It had been called The Black Boy for many centuries and was probably to do with chimney sweeps and children up chimneys. The Francis Drake primary school in Deptford recently changed it’s name because the school is full of descendants of slaves and Drake had an uncle who was a slaver so he’s guilty by association. I have no doubt the Saracen’s Head will become The Oak before being shut down and turned into a halal butcher.

    1. An alternative theory says that it derives from the nickname King Charles II was given by his mother because of his dark hair and complexion.

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