The New Conservative


Patriotism: The Last Refuge of the Young 

According to a recent survey, pride in British history is at an all-time low, especially among 18 to 24 year-olds.

This worrying trend doesn’t surprise me. Indeed, a revealing and sadly not uncommon conversation I had with a Year 10 class last term goes some way to explaining it. They asked me what I thought about the repatriation of the Elgin Marbles. “Should they be sent back to Greece?” one asked. Initially surprised by an unexpected foray into current affairs, I demurred from committing to a position, concerned that the wrong answer could land me in hot water with my woke colleagues, and aware of my professional obligation to remain neutral.

My pupils’ awareness of such an important issue was encouraging, but a closer examination exposed a troubling ignorance. Every student willing to express an opinion, many with a worrying degree of certitude, said that the marbles should be returned because the “British stole them”. You must also return the Benin Bronzes for the same reason, they collectively opined.

Their use of the words “British” and “you” to address the country responsible for these so-called injustices was striking. I was standing in front of a group of mainly Asian-Brits (I work in a diverse school with a large percentage of Muslim students) who do not feel British. The week before, pupils in the same class decried the fact that we don’t have enough Muslim history on the curriculum. “It’s all about blacks and whites,” they said.

But where are they picking up this one-sided take on the Elgin Marbles and Benin Bronzes, facilitating their estrangement from their home country? Well, notwithstanding the suspicion that ignorant and ideologically driven parents are influencing their kids, anti-British disinformation is everywhere. It is therefore no surprise that they are absorbing a simple, dualistic, good-versus-evil interpretation of history disseminated by many of our self-loathing cultural institutions.

Just look at the BBC’s recent coverage of the spat between Rishi Sunak and the Greek Prime Minister. The corporation has taken to referring to the marbles as the Parthenon Marbles rather than the Elgin Marbles – a transparent, politically motivated nod to the Guardian line (remember, the most-read newspaper in BBC studios) that they belong in Greece.

When it comes to the Benin Bronzes, moreover, the Charity Commission has also drunk the Guardian Kool-Aid, concurring with the paper’s misleading claim that “they [the bronzes] were looted in 1897, when British forces sacked the Benin kingdom, in modern-day Nigeria, burning down the royal palace, exiling the Oba and seizing all royal treasures”. Indeed, in a statement, the commission said that the University of Cambridge is “under a moral obligation” to return the artefacts. It’s amazing that such a little-read newspaper has such prodigious cultural reach.

However, despite the self-loathing milieu that presents Britain as uniquely evil and refuses to consider the context in which the acquisition of these treasures took place – providing much-needed nuance and objectivity – their previous teacher is perhaps most to blame for feeding them misinformation. And she’s no exception, believe me.

She forced the pupils to write to the University of Cambridge, urging the rector to hand the Benin Bronzes back to the Nigerian Government.

In such circumstances, I decided to provide some much-needed balance. Handing back the Bronzes is not quite as straightforward as it first appears. First, their acquisition was not a simple case of colonial theft. According to the historian Andrew Roberts, the expedition involved was in response to the massacre of a peaceful British delegation. The Oba (King) of Benin was a violent, slave-holding monarch who often raided his neighbours to enslave their inhabitants. Furthermore, when the British arrived in Benin, they “found hundreds of dead and dying slaves, some beheaded, crucified or disembowelled”. The expedition saved lives and liberated many of the slaves. It also led to the Oba’s exile and the acquisition of the Bronzes, many soaked in the blood of the sacrificed slaves.

Sending the Bronzes back is understandably opposed by the descendants of those enslaved by the Oba – their ancestors, after all, paid in blood for the purchase of the bronze used to make the sculptures. They do not want the descendants of slave-holders – particularly the current Oba (who’s been promised restitution by the Nigerian Government) – to benefit from the suffering of their ancestors. They want them to be kept in Cambridge and elsewhere.

They had clearly not heard this part of the story before writing their letters.

The acquisition of the Elgin Marbles also deserves some context. They were not ‘stolen’ by the Earl of Elgin, as claimed. The British Ambassador to Constantinople legally purchased them from the Ottoman authorities in Greece. Furthermore, Elgin saved the marbles from probable destruction. The Parthenon was being used as an ammunition dump, had been badly damaged by explosions and was in the process of being “cannibalised by Turkish dragomen selling off bits as souvenirs to tourists”. Without Elgin they could and probably would have been lost for ever.

Why was my predecessor so reluctant to explore these fascinating complexities? Did she not have time to research them? Is she so ideologically wedded to post-colonialism that she deliberately ignored them? Or has she been so completely brainwashed by the predominance of anti-British propaganda that she had lost the ability to seek and recognise nuance?

Whatever the reason (and, for what it’s worth, I suspect the latter) it’s had a deleterious impact on my pupils. They are full of resentment and anti-British sentiment. More worrying, however, is the fact that my school is no exception. Brainwashed teachers are brainwashing our children. No wonder pride in British history has plummeted to a record low.


Joe Baron is a teacher and a writer, published in The Spectator, The Sun, the TES, Breitbart, Conservative Home, The Conservative Woman and The Daily Telegraph. His blog can be found here.

This piece was first published in The Daily Sceptic, and is reproduced by kind permission.

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10 thoughts on “Patriotism: The Last Refuge of the Young ”

  1. The danger is twofold, firstly one must recognise that properly understanding British history doesn’t require the student (of any age or background) to take pride in it just because it’s British, that is a personal matter, and secondly those who have chosen to live in the UK should not be pandered to by teaching them only the things that they want to know about or with emphasis upon enforced current one sided simplistic interpretations. How long will it be before Black History becomes only the first of a catalogue of mandated X History Month initiatives (although it will be amusing to see Islam History Month followed by LGBTQ+ History Month and watch pupil, teacher and parent minds explode with conflicting bias).

    Self-loathing or anti-Britishness can’t be simply eliminated by teaching patriotism or forcing it down people’s throats until no one is prepared to stand out as being different – the writer’s even handed approach to teaching is to be applauded, it’s a pity that MSM and politicians aren’t now so open minded and routinely opt for the knee-jerk right or wrong simplistic line with bias towards always placating the other side and painting them as virtuous or deserving.

    1. Existing statutory requirements on political impartiality cover all schools, regardless of type or funding arrangement. This includes independent schools.

      These legal duties mean schools:

      *must prohibit the promotion of partisan political views
      *should take steps to ensure the balanced presentation of opposing views on political issues when they are brought to the attention of pupils

  2. urging the rector to hand the Benin Bronzes back to the Nigerian Government…..

    Where they would promptly be sold on by the crooks in the present Nigerian government and spawn a fresh batch of ‘419’ scammers (All of them Princes/Princesses or wife/daughters/sons of Sani Abacha, deceased El Presidente and dictator for life of that benighted realm) who need a cash injection and are willing to let you have them for the bargain basement sum of $2000 to be transferred to their offshore bank account by WUXFER (Western Union, Who else!) I’ve already had an offer to sell but I’m haggling over the price of them with Maryam Abacha. ;o)

    1. Great overlooked opportunity to virtue signal, digitally copy then melt down into ingots and return these Ill-gotton ingot proceeds of slavery and barbarism to the descendants of the offenders. Unfortunately this will be lost on the home grown/imported virtue signalling self-haters.

    1. I expect Oxford or Cambridge (or both) to appoint a Professor of Horrible Histories and to offer BA, MA, MPhil and Doctorates in this culturally important interpretation of British History – might be more academic than some other degrees and induce more disadvantaged low achieving students to become self-entitled graduates and in debt.

  3. I’m sure that I read this article some time ago. Way before it was published in The Daily Sceptic. So I checked, and I was right. I read it in The Conservative Woman in December 2023. Get your articles 9 months before they are published in The Daily Sceptic by reading TCW!

  4. Thank you for sharing this insightful post! Your writing is clear, informative, and engaging. I appreciate how you’ve broken down complex concepts into easily digestible parts. It’s evident that you have a deep understanding of the topic, and your tips are practical and actionable. I particularly liked the way you addressed [specific point from the article], as it resonated with my own experiences. This kind of content is invaluable for readers looking to expand their knowledge and apply new strategies effectively. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!

  5. Thank you for sharing this insightful post! Your writing is clear, informative, and engaging. I appreciate how you’ve broken down complex concepts into easily digestible parts. It’s evident that you have a deep understanding of the topic, and your tips are practical and actionable. I particularly liked the way you addressed [specific point from the article], as it resonated with my own experiences. This kind of content is invaluable for readers looking to expand their knowledge and apply new strategies effectively. Looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the excellent work!

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