The New Conservative

Jeff Berwick

Jeff Berwick: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (But It’s on Bitchute)

(Photograph: Jberwick, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons)

We all have our favourite video-loggers on YouTube or other video platforms, but after a while they tend to become predictable and lose their lustre. However polished their presentation style, the likes of Paul Joseph Watson cannot keep my attention indefinitely. But there is one guy who I have watched incessantly since 2020, during the Covid-19 lockdown, who never stands still.

Canadian crypto-currency advocate and self-declared anarchist Jeff Berwick was one of the few who saw through the pandemic scam: not merely in the detail of misused PCR tests, futile mask regulations or the use of fearsome propaganda. As a long-in-the-tooth cynic he concluded from the outset that this was a vehicle for a totalitarian power-grab while imposing on the ordinary populace a tyranny of digital surveillance and deprivation of liberty.

Producing a twice-weekly video of around 80 minutes, Berwick has no green screen but a backdrop of the verdant hillside above Acapulco, as he walks and talks with his Chihuahuas. In 2021 he organised the escape to Mexico of forthright critic Max Igan, who would inevitably have been incarcerated by the Australian regime. Igan lives in Acapulco while Berwick is in the process of moving to a newly-built ranch in the interior. .Berwick is often compared to British conspiracy theorist David Icke, who he often cites favourably, but the Edmonton guru is higher in entertainment value.

Berwick excoriates the globalist cabal with its figureheads of Antony Fauci (Fraudci), Bill (Kill) Gates, (Satan) Klaus Schwab and misanthropic agencies such as the CDC (Crime & Death Corporation). His satirical and enlightening talks are cleverly interspersed with memes and video clips (I never tire of the ‘instant karma’ he pronounces on the demise of yet another expert or celebrity who zealously pushed the Covid-19 shots).

He engages with his audience personably, taking them by the scruff of the neck. ‘You can’t handle the truth’, he tells anyone who may find his take on events far-fetched. If you are too lazy, naive or scared to follow his path out of the matrix, then you deserve what’s coming for you.  Stop paying taxes! Stop voting! Steer clear of hospitals and doctors. Take your kids out of government indoctrination camps. And leave the country! Not advice that most viewers are prepared to take, but if push comes to shove….

In 2020 Berwick wrote the book Controlled Demolition of the American Empire. It’s a comprehensive account of the fall of the West. Infrastructure from roads to schools to food supply is in decay by design. According to Berwick, half of American bridges were in serious need of renovation, and three years later when a container ship struck the vital crossing at Baltimore he saw this as impatience on the part of Deep State wreckers. The frequency of fires at food distribution centres, train crashes and pollution incidents seems to be increasing. Meanwhile US debt is escalating beyond any possibility of fiscal correction ($24 trillion at Berwick’s time of writing, now $35 trillion) – this is not accidental.

The controlled demolition is preparing for Ground Zero, on which a new world order is being built (by the predatory class that runs the world today).  These greedy psychopaths do everything of which they accuse anyone who stands in their way: they are peddlers of misinformation, fraudsters and hoaxers, extortionists, racial agitators, eugenicists, warmongers and terrorists. Leaders like Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern and Keir Starmer abuse their democratic mandate (marginal at best) to pursue the agenda of a globalist cabal with dystopian plans for everyone on the wrong side of the emergent ‘them and us’. .

In the foreword Doug Casey listed the tenets of Western civilisation that are being blown apart by the controlled explosion: free speech, free markets, limited government, individualism, rationality, privacy, property rights and the rule of law. Under the two-tier terror of Starmer’s government, the law is applied selectively in favour of minority groups and subversive cultures, whose client status reinforces state power. We saw what our rulers think of individual rights during Covid-19.

As Berwick notes, the word ‘government’ comes from the Latin guber (control) and ment’(mind).. The majority of the citizenry believes the official narrative, being programmed by television and censored internet content, while pacified by bread and circuses. But the prospect for humanity is much bleaker than it was in Roman times, because of the tremendous potential of technology and the rise of transhumanism. George Orwell foresaw the surveillance state, but it was Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (set further into the future than Nineteen Eighty Four) that predicts the convergence of man and machine – now termed ‘the internet of bodies). .

The globalists are quite brazen nowadays, wielding such power that they don’t care what dissidents say. But they still must control billions of people, and for that reason they are keen to pursue depopulation. This is the real goal of the contrived climate crisis. As the Rockefeller-funded think-tank Club of Rome declared in The Limits to Growth (1971), ‘the real enemy is humanity itself’. For sure, they want to save the planet for themselves.


Niall McCrae is the author of ‘Green in Tooth and Claw: the Misanthropic Mission of Climate Alarm’ (2024).

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4 thoughts on “Jeff Berwick: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (But It’s on Bitchute)”

    1. Good observation, anyone who buys into the “imaginary magic beans” is either an avaricious idiot or more likely a part of the cabal/controlled opposition tasked with cheering on the plebs to lose their actual money to the digital currency scam. Let’s face it, there are no heroes anymore (and even heroes don’t stand up to close examination). Every man is an island and some islands are better than others but all have certain downsides.

  1. Although Huxley was shall we say a bit odd I wouldn’t tend to put him in the same pigeonhole as Berwick or Icke. Huxley was an explorer of ideas. Brave New World (1932) is more sophisticated than I984 (1948), and ‘We’ by Zamyatin (1922). The latter isn’t a great work of literature but Zamyatin had stared Bolshevism in the face. What he had to say a hundred years ago is in many ways still plausible.

  2. It is worse than you think: AUKUS Covid-19 Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States Military Operation – Not A Civil One. AUKUS supplying Nuclear Submarines to Australia too.
    Senator Roberts points to the International Medical Countermeasures Consortium and states that covid was a [US DOD-lead] military operation (probably linked to The World Health Organisation through some unseen back door):
    : Senator Malcolm Roberts’s speech August 9, 2023
    As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, tonight I speak to an aspect of COVID-19 I haven’t raised before. Information now in the public domain indicates the COVID response was not initiated through commercial interests but, rather, through an organisation called the Medical Countermeasures Consortium that Australia joined in 2012. According to Australia’s website, the Medical Countermeasures Consortium is a four-nation partnership involving the defence and health departments of Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States. ‘The consortium seeks to develop medical countermeasures to assist with … chemical and radiological threats affecting civilian and military populations and on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics.’ It includes drugs and diagnostics. Who knew we had a military pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK, in place since the Gillard Labor government—an AUKUS for pandemics?
    The consortium maintains a compensation scheme for people injured as a result of taking a countermeasure. Compensation claims were accepted for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, the anthrax vaccine and flu vaccines. The medical countermeasures unit within the United States Department of Defense has been in the vaccine business for many years and has been injuring people for many years through GOF —and getting away with it. So it should come as no surprise that the American Department of Defense signed the first contract between the United States government and Pfizer for the purchase of $11 billion worth of vaccines. President Trump gave the order to the “Department of Defense to commence vaccine development” and even gave it a cool name: Operation Warp Speed.
    Which begs the question: Why was Covid-19 and the Covid vaccines an AUKUS Military Operation and not a Medical one?

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