The New Conservative

The straight and narrow

‘Going Straight’: A Brief Update From the Editor

Dear readers,

Just a very brief update, to let you know what is going on with me and The New Conservative. As many of you will know, I was imprisoned on 12th February for ‘contempt of court’ – i.e., for objecting to the continued abuse of my children by their mother. I have just finished a two-week stretch, and while it was not the worst holiday I’ve ever had, I am hoping not to go back any time soon. Suffice it to say, I am ok. 

First of all, I should like to say an enormous thank you to everyone who has contacted me. I am overwhelmed by your kindness and compassion, and will get around to replying when time allows. 

Secondly, The New Conservative is not under new management and as long as I can stay out of clink for the foreseeable future, it’s business as usual. 

Thirdly, of course I shall be publishing the full grizzly story in due course, but please bear with me. I have over a thousand emails to work my way through, and am very much playing catch-up at present. 

Meanwhile, the fight for custody continues – although it may be one best fought outside the divorce court, as the utter corruption in effect is now indisputable. 

My very best wishes to you all, and thank you for your patience.



Frank Haviland 


Frank Haviland is the author of Banalysis: The Lie Destroying the West, and writes a Substack here.


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2 thoughts on “‘Going Straight’: A Brief Update From the Editor”

  1. There will be a thousand variations, but in the early sixties in the army we had a saying… “Illigitumatum Non Carborundum” … “Don’t let the bastards grind you down”. It helped me many many times.

  2. I do hope this works out for you and your children. Even if your wife succeeds in alienating them from you, when they are grown up they will reassess what happened and come to their own conclusions. Hang on in there.

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