The New Conservative

The Matrix

CEO Dictates White Response to Riots

How dare you complain about your annihilation! In the wake of three young girls, randomly and brutally stabbed to death in Southport, allegedly by the son of Rwandan migrants, protests erupted across the country. The authorities responded in the usual way, smearing the spontaneous gatherings as ‘far-right’, and led by the English Defence League (despite its disbanding ten years ago).  

Inevitably the protests became violent, after deliberate provocation. The policing approach was shown in the very first demonstration outside Downing Street, when officers in full riot gear steamed into the crowd of about two hundred and arrested anyone and everyone, simply for being there. The ensuing riots were exacerbated by Keir Starmer, who showed no interest in the legitimate concerns of initially peaceful protestors about the hazards of uncontrolled mass immigration.   

Of course, polite society is horrified – not by the killing of three innocent children, but by the angry reaction. On a train journey two days after the ‘tragedy’, I was sitting next to a middle-class white woman who was explaining to her teenage daughter that the real victim was the 17-year-old suspect – ‘he’s just a boy; it’s tragic’.  

On Sunday evening I was forwarded a memo issued to all staff in a company that employs a friend of a friend. The worker – let’s call her Jane – was very upset by the message from the CEO, who referred to the protests as racist. Immigrants, according to this company head, are being blamed for right-wing woes, as if there is nothing to be woeful about yet another murder of children (for possibly or even probably racist motive).  

The CEO urged staff to support their ethnic minority colleagues, who would need special attention at this time. She was certainly virtue signalling, but the message conveyed a visceral anger, emoting contempt for ordinary white people concerned about the sacred doctrine of multiculturalism. She did not mention the cause of the protests. Like the lady I overheard on the train, the dead victims seem unimportant to her. Instead, her ideological narrative was challenged by events, and she was determined to put ignorant white people back in their box.  

As if reading from Common Purpose training materials, she extolled the virtues of immigrants and their cultures, while iterating the mantra that the country would fall apart without their contribution. She overlooks the negatives, partly because she does not experience them. Has she been affected by the Muslim grooming gangs that have rampaged over the North and Midlands?   

Is she aware of Emily Jones, the lovely seven-year-old girl stabbed to death by a migrant in a Bolton park, or Kriss Donald, the Glaswegian boy killed by an Asian lynch mob? Has she forgotten Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich? David Amess MP, murdered by an ‘asylum seeker’ at his constituency surgery in Essex? But you can be sure she knows about the racist killing of Stephen Lawrence three decades ago, and MP Jo Cox. Some are more equal than others…. 

As a white woman with sympathies for the protestors (not the rioting element), Jane felt intimidated by the memo, and dreaded going into work on the following day. The divisive and racially biased memo could be regarded as a breach of the Equality Act 2010. Imagine if the CEO had written about her concern for white staff following the BLM protests in 2020. Indeed, that is difficult to imagine, because it would never have happened in a society on which critical race theory has been imposed by stealth. But it would probably and understandably have raised a complaint of race discrimination – why are you only supporting white people?   

Southport and the rioting aftermath have exposed, clearer than ever, the double standards on ethnicity. On Monday Home Office minister Jess Phillips was urged to resign by Reform MP Lee Anderson after she condoned an aggressive vigilante mob of Muslims marauding on Birmingham streets. Phillips justified their presence on rumours that a white protest was planned. There was no police officer in sight as a pub and cars driven white people were attacked.  

A Sky News reporter revealed too much when reporting from the troubling scene in Birmingham (before she was surrounded by Muslim thugs), the police were keeping a low profile, she said, to minimise tensions. Funny how the very opposite policy is applied to white protestors. At a riot involving Romany and Muslim communities in Leeds two weeks ago, the police were similarly absent, except for arresting a white woman for shouting at the arsonists.   

The memo by the CEO illustrates the moral cowardice of the establishment. At some level of consciousness she must know that stabbings are disproportionately committed by black and ethnic minority criminals, just as she must know that her place as a woman is devalued by Islam. But as shown by the Black Lives Matter frenzy four years ago, it is easier for the white middle-class managerial class to take the side of the most volatile segments of society, than to take a principled stance on keeping everyone safe – including 6-year-old girls attending a dance class.  

Politicians ignore the people at their peril. Starmer has gained global notoriety for stating that he will protect Muslims, as satirised in this cartoon broadcasted by Twitter owner Elon Musk: –   

I would advise the CEO to read the room. People are increasingly exasperated with a political and managerial establishment that gives special treatment to immigrants, whatever damage they cause to the fabric of our society.  


Niall McCrae RMN, PhD is a social commentator with regular appearances on Unity News Network, Hearts of Oak, the David Vance Show and George Galloway’s Kalima Horra debates. His books include The Moon and Madness (2012), Echoes from the Corridors (with Peter Nolan, 2016), Moralitis: a Cultural Virus (with Robert Oulds, 2020), and Green in Tooth and Claw: The Misanthropic Mission of Climate Alarm. He is an officer of the Workers of England trade union.

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8 thoughts on “CEO Dictates White Response to Riots”

  1. Of course this CEO knows the facts, but to her and her ilk they are inconvenient and easily brushed away by bigging up the disadvantages and disproportionate benefits that certain sections of society face/bring. Such acceptance of one-sided support to the detriment of the rest of society (that apparently has all the advantages yet is of little worth) leads directly to the scenes we’ve just witnessed. Everyone knows this but few are willing to say it out loud these days.

    1. Nathaniel Spit

      I’d put money on it being the routine response of every (especially female) CEO and particularly those of Quangos, non-producing service/financial companies and no doubt well outside the riot cities/towns.

  2. ‘Compassion’ has almost become devalued these days because it is often used as a way to excuse the evil acts of random perpetrators, whatever their ethnicity or religion. The woman on the train must have thought she had a ‘compassionate’ response to the murderer of 3 innocent actual children, who is now ‘of age’ as of 7/8, hardly “a boy”. Where is the ‘tragedy’ for that woman? Apparently not with the murdered children….their murders are now being drowned out by the ensuing violence. How much more of a protest would it have been done with long and silent marches? Nothing for the ‘police’ to do but watch from the sidelines and maybe feel some shame for their partiality when it comes to maintaining order.
    It’s faux compassion, faux handwringing by the Starmer cabal, faux representation of the term ‘far right’.
    It’s that woman’s comment on the train which shows how much society has been changed…..programmed by shallow TV in which there is always a ‘downtrodden victim of circumstances’. Viewers are encouraged to emote on their behalf but never ever to question why a particular set of circumstances arose. Rather like the impact of mass immigration in to local communities. The numbers are certainly here and rising but they were ‘managed’ in…and to hell with the consequences. ‘Tragic’….

    1. Nathaniel Spit

      Very true and those, like the woman mentioned, who need re-education themselves are frequently the very ones running the re-education aka indoctrination of everyone else and seeking to normalise their own unquestionable ‘niceness’ that ironically sees no contradiction in their partisan approach to international situations.

  3. Michael Bolton

    ”A Member of Parliament (MP) for Britain’s governing Labour Party spread fake news alleging a Muslim woman had acid thrown in her face in Middlesbrough, England. The false claim was initially posted on social media by Nick Lowles of the George Soros-funded HOPE Not Hate organization”

    I wonder who spread the false ‘rumour’ that the EDL was ensconced in the Birmingham Wobbly Swan or whatever the pub is called?

    I’m sure the long defunct EDL wouldn’t broadcast it on the web and neither would the non-existent ‘Far-right’

    That leaves only the goons of Antifa and Nick Lowles Hate Not Hope getting up to no good to conspire to precipitate a bunch of armed Religion of Peace lunatics running around rioting and attacking any honkies they come across by their posting false rumours around.

    Conspiracy theory? It’s certainly logical.

  4. DT:

    “Aggression faced by police officers ‘unprecedented’, says Merseyside police chief”

    The families of PC Yvonne Fletcher, PC Keith Blakelock and PC Patrick Dunne might beg to differ.

    “Mel Stride accuses Jenrick of being insensitive”

    Hurty words again. Blame the messenger?

    “MPs advised to work from home ahead of 100 far-Right rallies”

    Poor things. And “rallies”? Have those awful, far right, working class knuckle draggers from the North hopped on a Ryanair flight to Nuremburg?

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