The New Conservative

Joe Biden

Biden Derangement Syndrome

We hear plenty about ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ a condition described as ‘a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.’ While it didn’t have a name, a similar syndrome was attached to Margaret Thatcher and that one seems, truly, to be infectious. Nearly a decade after her death, young people who will never have lived in the halcyon days of her rule and can know next to nothing about her, still hate her. It was, and remains in certain circles, almost impossible to hold a reasonable conversation about the great lady who, by any objective standards, saved the United Kingdom from financial collapse and put money into the pockets of those willing to work hard. She did not get everything right; but who does?

Lately, on my travels, I have become aware of another derangement related to Joe Biden. Except that this one could be characterised as ‘a mental condition in which a person has been effectively driven insane due to their inability to criticise President Joe Biden, to the point where they completely ignore that fact that he is suffering from gross cognitive impairment, and is not fit to lead a conga let alone the free world.’ It’s real and, the worse he gets, the more it spreads.

Last year I was treated to a glowing account of his visit to the Emerald Isle, possibly in search of his Connemara marbles, by a senior colleague from those parts. This was following his famous ‘Black and Tans’ confusion, where he was either under the impression that one of his Irish forebears had inflicted genuine harm on members of the hated, brutal and long disbanded British Army unit or, alternatively, is really losing said marbles. He was, in fact, referring to the New Zealand rugby union team, nicknamed ‘the All Blacks’. I suggested to my colleague that, from footage I saw, he seemed not to have a clue where he was or why he was there and that, perhaps, he was well past the early stages of dementia. My colleague, a fellow health professional, claimed to have noticed no such thing.

I had the good fortune to spend a few days in Jordan recently and in the party that was being shuttled back and forth to the university there were three middle aged American women, all health professionals, one of whom I got speaking to at length over dinner. We hit it off like a couple of old pals until I asked about the forthcoming US presidential elections.

I was not really surprised at the vitriolic display of all the symptoms associated with Trump Derangement Syndrome. I hesitated…in fact, I chickened out of indicating that during Trump’s term of office he had not started any wars, the economy grew, and employment increased. I also forewent the opportunity to tell her how universally popular I had found Trump to be among the immigrants I met, most of them driving Ubers in Washington DC.

I tried a different tack and asked her where the opposition to Trump was going to come from, given Biden’s age and manifest cognitive infirmity. I was then treated to the most unexpected outpouring of Bidenism.

Biden was fit to run again; he was the man to take on Donald Trump and run for another term. It was very unfair how people made fun of the way he talked. Everyone knows he has a stammer and that he sometimes gets his words mixed up. Unbelievable stuff.

I had no way in, and she had all her bases covered, showing just what a serious condition Biden Derangement Syndrome is. I suggested that he does more than get his words mixed up, he confuses major countries such as Ukraine for Iraq, Gaza for Ukraine and he thinks the present UK Prime Minister is Rashid Sanook. He is not sure if France is run by Macron or Mitterand (deceased by the way) and compounded his confusion of the Mexican and Egyptian presidents by claiming the pyramids were in Mexico…both of them! I could go on.

I suggested that, even if he had a stammer, that such speech impediments did not cause you to get lost nearly every time you leave stage, and reach out to shake hands with people who were not there. He even got lost on the way to the White House once (“it’s the big white one Mr President”). And what’s that with the hair sniffing?

I was really getting into my stride, on the verge of launching into cover ups regarding his errant son and confidential documents in his garage, when I could see that I was getting nowhere. The look of sheer pity, directed at me, from my Biden deranged colleague suggested that she thought, perhaps, I was deranged. Instead of pushing on I decided to give up. ‘Nice view, isn’t it?’ I commented, as we looked over the Ammani skyline at dusk.


Roger Watson is a retired academic, editor and writer. He is a columnist with Unity News Network and writes regularly for a range of conservative journals including The Salisbury Review and The European Conservative. He has travelled and worked extensively in the Far East and the Middle East. He lives in Kingston upon Hull, UK.


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2 thoughts on “Biden Derangement Syndrome”

  1. Nathaniel Spit

    When you’re effectively and completely controlled by others it doesn’t really matter when ‘normal people’ fail to notice the clear signs of ineptitude – we’ve also got in here with our Royals.

  2. There are two types of people in the world. Those who can think for themselves and those who cannot. The latter outnumber the former about 20 to 1. When you understand that it explains most of what happens in the world.

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