The latest report from The Ministry of Approved Opinions, Hope Not Hate The State of Hate 2025: Reform rising and racist riots, is out. The pdf version is free to download. I urge you not to buy the hard copy, which will help fund Hope not Hate; alas, it will only encourage them.
My first impression of the report is that it is incomplete, by a long way. I, for one, am not in it! They clearly have not been doing their homework. I write frequently and regularly for two of the websites they identify as being ‘conspiracy’ theory websites: Unity News Network (UNN) and TCW Defending Freedom (TCW).
The editor of TCW, Kathy Gyngell, is not named, but to describe TCW as a conspiracy theorist website is laughable. The editor is one of the best-informed commentators from a (truly) conservative perspective, in the UK. It seems that having strong opinions on many mainstream matters and letting others express them on your webpage earns you the label of ‘conspiracy theorist’.
My good friend David Clews edits UNN where he interviews people with a wide range of views and, likewise, publishes a wide range of views. I doubt that you could put three UNN correspondents in the same room along with David and that they would arrive at a single view on which they all agreed. David is a free speech absolutist which is anathema to those in Hope not Hate who believe that freedom of speech is only for those with whom they agree. This is becoming a strangely prominent view in our once (was it ever?) ‘free country’.
Another regular contributor to both UNN and TCW and who occasionally graces our pages, Dr Niall McCrae, gets a special mention. Describing him as a ‘failed academic’, Hope not Hate exposed the fact that they know bugger all about him. Have they not see his CV, his record of academic publications, including his co-authored How to perform a systematic literature review which sells so well it is now in a second edition and his contribution to his field of mental health The Moon and Madness? To describe Niall as a ‘failed academic’ is laughable. After all, if ever there was a failed academic, it’s me. Yet I remain, despondently, below the radar.
My second impression is that there was a gaping hole in the report where The New Conservative (TNC) should have been. Have they not even heard of us? Our shareholders and multi-million-pound backers went into meltdown and an immediate meeting of the executive editorial team was called. Expense being no object we were flown in – first class flights – to a secret six-star resort where we have been locked in discussions, facilitated by an expensive and leading international crisis consultant since publication of The State of Hate 2025. Rumours that David Icke was in attendance are pure speculation.
The general tone of the meeting was that ‘we must do better’. Clearly our regular pops at all things to do with Islamophobia, transgenderism, anybody to the left of Hitler and our lack of enthusiasm for the climate change agenda are simply not hateful enough. We ran many ideas up the flagpole, forward-planned, seized the lowest and ripest of the low-hanging fruit and came up with some action points to be enacted in the run up to next year’s Hope not Hate report. We now have several key performance indicators to meet.
Thus, we have decided to be more vociferous in our opposition to the enforced Islamification of the UK and even more discriminatory in our language, when referring to blokes with knobs, insisting they can use women’s changing rooms with impunity. We will endeavour to encourage as much long-haul flying as possible by all and sundry and the continued driving of large gas-guzzling SUVs. Our campaign against electric vehicles may have to be taken to the streets, and we will be encouraging our readers to form vigilante squads, roaming the streets of suburbia unplugging electric cars from their charging points. Let’s see if we can’t achieve a record level of global warming in 2025.
Our majority shareholders have made it clear to us, if our target of being listed in The State of Hate 2026 is not met, heads will roll, and new editors will be sought from the ranks of the far-right. After all, they should be easy enough to find. Essentially, the regular State of Hate reports are like a catalogue of Nazis, conspiracy theorists and far-right organisations from which you can take your pick.
Perhaps we ought to be thanking Hope not Hate for providing this service whereby we can discover fellow travellers, about whose existence we had no knowledge, get in contact and see if we can crank the levels of hatred up a few more notches. Towards that end, we have a suggestion: like the Argos catalogue, could they supply an order sheet with the far-right groups numbered and a small bingo parlour type pen included? That way we could tick the groups with which we want to make contact, and they could provide their services. I’d pay for that.
Turning to the report itself, it is not for the faint-hearted. At 140 pages it is crammed with hundreds of far-right groups and individuals. It is heavy on derogatory adjectives, ‘far-right’ being used liberally, and the word ‘tiny’ appears frequently in relation to various groups. One assumes, Hope not Haters, that if they are in fact ‘tiny’ then there is little to worry about. But maybe just have a think; by mentioning them in your execrable, vindictive and biased report, you may have given them the ‘oxygen of publicity’ they, like we at TNC, crave.
According to Hope not Hate, almost everyone is a ‘Nazi’ and ‘extreme’ in some way and a casual word search will show you how often these epithets are used. I searched in vain, however, for the terms ‘far-left’, ‘communist’ or ‘Trotskyist’. I am sure that these extremists will appear in The State of Hate 2026.
Roger Watson is a retired academic, editor and writer. He is a columnist with Unity News Network and writes regularly for a range of conservative journals including The Salisbury Review and The European Conservative. He has travelled and worked extensively in the Far East and the Middle East. He lives in Kingston upon Hull, UK.
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”Expense being no object we were flown in – first class flights – to a secret six-star resort where we have been locked in discussions”
Bognor, Minehead or Skeggy Roger? Filey sadly closed down years ago. ;o)
Withernsea, Hornsea was fully booked due to a cigarette card collectors convention.
I read about this new report yesterday on TCW and downloaded a copy expecting it to be as a quick way to cobble together a new Christmas Card List, as I was expecting to see all my enlightened friends on it. What a disappointment. Reform (ha, ha, told you so) have even used HNH….
Does anyone know if ReformUK still use HNH to vet their candidates?
Doesn’t matter now if they do or don’t use HNH, they did and that should have rung as many alarm bells as the unreliability of NF on anything except Brexit and the signs that 4/5ths of their MPs are Tory Wets. There are also now rumours of a WEF connection as well.